Constitution Status

Mar 26, 2020, 6:37 PM

The most important reformations in the constitution have to do with the law and rights. The rest of it decreases power distance as intended by the framers. Or the various political, economic, commercial, and educational reforms.

If I keep at it for another few weeks I can get the constitution done enough for public debate. I just have to keep at it. And take a break just to do a course video. The topics are pretty much there. I find TINY holes still. But mostly I have to fill in topics and plug holes.

Today I discovered a few holes: (a) didn’t handle the distinction between political disassociation for the production of commons, and political and territorial disassociation that would put the federation (empire) at risk. (b) that i didn’t define each of the markets in the ‘man’ (article 1) section.

Now, the constitution is wrapped in a ‘book’. That book is a prosecution, judgement, and set of restitutions. The constitution is one of the restitutions. That will take longer. I should be able to get the constitution to edit-ready form during the crisis. The book is now ‘the big book’ because I have moved even the logics over into it. That has more holes. And unfortunately, I still can only work that hard a few hours a day without getting exhausted and having to work on something else.

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