A New Constitution of Natural Law (first draft, see current)

—“Transcendence and Immortality through Excellence, Beauty, Truth, Duty, Reciprocity, and Markets for association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, and polities.”—

—“Revolt, Separate, Specialize, Prosper, Speciate, and Transcend Animal Man.”—



The Conflict of Our Time

reciprocity and hierarchy of the pack vs equality of the herd

The Great Fight Renewed (semitic vs european)

And no man or men may make a choice to favor cult or corporation over kin without act of genocide, culture-cide, civilization-cide for which the only recourse and restitution is retaliation by and of the same.


Our goals are:

  • The incremental evolution of our laws such that we suppress and reverse the institutionalization of the arts of lying that produced the abrahamic dark ages  in the ancient world, and the horrors of communism, socialism, feminism, and postmodernism and their cults in the modern.
  • The equalization of suppression of soft and hard powers of coercion.
  • The extensions of involuntary warranty from goods and services to information and speech.
  • The cessation, reversal, and restitution for  the cumulative rent seeking in all aspects of life;
  • The cessation of organization by the maximization of consumption at the expense of individual, family, nation, the joy of civic life, and the accumulated inheritances from the inventions, labors, and arts of our our ancestors, and restoration of the construction of civic society’s emphasis on commons rather than consumption.
  • The redistribution of coercion, influence, commerce, rights of free association and dissociation, and rights of self determination by the devolution of the federal government into an insurer of last resort, and the restoration of the sovereignty of and alliance of the states;
  • The cessation of the exploitation of the people for purposes of creating and preserving an empire and the state bureaucracy that is counter to the interests of the people.
  • The cessation, reversal, and restitution for the attempt to genocide against our people, our nation, our race; our culture; our government, and our civilization;
  • The restoration of our right to self determination;
  • The restoration of our ancestral rights of sovereignty, and our civilizational strategy of competition and evolution by means of truth, duty, reciprocity, rule of law, markets of voluntary cooperation in all walks of life, and our ability to produce high trust civic commons.


To achieve these goals we submit these truths to a candid world.



The history


Western civilization


truth reciprocity etc.

NATURAL LAW AND COMMON LAW  There is only one law of universal morality, and that is the law of reciprocity. It is possible to construct all laws as derivations of this one law of reciprocity, using the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of testimonial speech, producing strictly constructed original intent and textualism. If all law is written as such it is closed to interpretation on one hand, and false, dishonest, immoral, insufficient, and incomplete laws can be identified and sunset by competitive argument.

This ends judicial activism and circumvention of the law on one hand, and limits the construction of legislation (contracts of the commons) to that which does not violate reciprocity.

Conversely, it is possible for judges to discover new applications of the natural law of reciprocity โ€“ whether they start from the history of judgements (common law) or they start from pre-calculated judgements (canon law), or a combination of the two (common law of judgements on top of canon law).

And for this reason, innovations in free riding, parasitism, and predation can be eradicated and added to the legal canon as soon as the first case is adjudicated.

Moreover, the legislation can be falsified and removed, court findings can be falsified and removed.

MARKETS IN EVERYTHING: Once we rely on natural law for the resolution of differences, then our only means of cooperation is in markets โ€“ markets in everything. Including association, cooperation, reproduction, production of goods, services and information, production of commons, production of polities, and production of group evolutionary strategies.



-Racial (Subspecies) Differences-


|Species| Hominoidea > Hominidae > Homininae (hominines) > Hominini Hominini (hominins) > Hominina (homininans) > Homo >

  • Negroid
    • Tigrean, Amharic, Sudanese-Barya, Nilotic, Fuji, Tuareg โ€“ Beja, Nubian, Wolof-Peul-Serer, Bantu, Bedic, West Africans, Pygmy, Sara, San, Nama, Hadza, Sandawe
  • Australoid:
    • Australian, Papuan, Andaman
    • Dravidian (Austro-Asiatic-Caucasian)
      • South Indian 
      • South Dravidian
      • Kerala Kadar 
  • Mongoloid:
    • Northeast Asian,
    • Mongolian,
    • Tibetan,
    • Arctic,
    • Amerindian,
    • Southeast Asian,
    • Pacific Island
    • Oceanian
  • Caucasoid: (Cro Magnon?) >
    • West Asian
      • (Caucuses, Levantine-Mesopotamian), 
      • Indo-Iranian (See Dravidians under Australoid)
        • North Indian (Punjabi, Central Indic, Bramin, Rajput, Vania Soni, Mumbai Brahmin, Jat, Krala Bramin, Koli)
        • Karent-Uttar Pradesh Brahmin
      • Middle Eastern (Semitic)
        • North Semitic
          • (Iranian, Jewish, Greek, Turk, Kurd, Assyrian, Druz, Lebanese, Georgian, Caspian, Palestinian )
          • Tajik
        • South Semitic
          • Arab
          • North African)
    • European
      • North Europeans (Ukrainian),
        • Northwest European
          • Atlantic, Celtic, Germanic (R1b)
          • Nordic (Swedish, Norwegian (I1) 
        • Slavic: West, South, and East Slavic
        • Uralic-Finno-Ugric
          • Finn, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian
          • Saami
          • Uralic (Komi – Mari)
        • Basque
      • South(Proto-Europeans, Anatolian); 
        • Sardinian
        • Moldovan, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Bosnian, Croat (et al)



— Differences in Group Evolutionary Strategies —

( … )

-On Adaptation to Modernity-


Modernity, meaning the restoration of classical western civilization’s invention of reason, science, sovereignty, and law, and the empirical, scientific, industrial and technological revolution that resulted from it has resulted in a series of shocks to our agrarian civilization.

-Behavioral Change In Females and Males-


1 – Women’s reproductive and financial independence and the end of the necessity of the two person family at the cost of lower standards of living.  Whereas in europe women took out their revenge upon the church and their legacy, american women took out their revenge on males.

2 – Women fill the middle (easy) job roles in society and are better adapted to changing between those roles. There is no reason this trend will not continue. The question is, without the necessity of marriage (caretaking of a man in exchange for economic support) ‘marriage’ is just a mating ritual, and the purpose of marriage as an institution is ended.  Women mature early, generalize, and adapt to the needs of the social order.  Men mature later, specialize, then adapt, and integrate into social orders less easily.

3 – Women have expressed greater psychosis (mental illness) and are under heavy medication in the USA, where men are lonely and committing suicide in large numbers after fifty.  Whereas females attempt suicide for attention, males succeed to escape desire for it.

4 – The bias toward girls in the classroom, the extension of childhood, the invention of adolescence, the end of material physical education, the suppression of competition and dominance play, and the decline of content, has led to males seeking alternative means of stimulation and competition, or a host of forms of sedation, including food, watching rather than participating in sports, a general lack of fitness, a decline in testosterone and sperm counts, obesity, obsession with computer games, debilitating uses of pornography, and loss of entrepreneurial and competitive interests.

5 – single mother hood children ( … )

6 –  ( … )

-On ReproductionSettledDysgenic Reproduction is Destructive to polity, nation, and humanity.-


1 – Dysgenic reproduction (regression to mean) is almost impossible to reverse in modernity.

2 – Current rates of IQ decline even in China on the order of .5 per decade.  Loss of total demographic advantage in 100 years. Western rates of decline are higher.

3 – The optimum human median IQ appears to be 105+15=120, meaning 2/3 of the population between 105 and 135.  This produces near zero resistance to education, training, and re-adaptation, while preserving some clerical and craftsmen labor. And it produces very low visible crime.

4 – We can roughly measure the value of one point of IQ by gdp, but the progression is non linear, and produces a cliff not far below 100.  As such each point of IQ drop below what we consider 95 today is at minimum a geometric loss in standard of living.


“Will to Power” (Self Determination, Demand for Agency)

Demand for Agency (Will to Power) in use of cooperation requries Sovereignty

Modernity Produced The Luxury of Going Separate Ways

( … )

The Demand For Government by Different Groups

( … )

Continuous Domestication (Evolution) is Possible Under Homogeneity

( … )

(continuous devolution is necessary under heterogeneity)

( … )

Changes Possible Under Ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism in the current era will leave us well positioned demographically, and economically, and will allow us to restore balances of reproduction we have built our civilization from. Conversely our working and middle classes will be absorbed as are our underclasses at present by the behaviors of competing underclasses and their elites.

Limits of Human Agency


Possible Outcomes of Heterogeneity vs Homogeneity.


Demand for Decidability by Authority (Demand for Orders)

The Range of Decidability in Political Orders

The European Order of Markets

markets and velocity of adaptation

production of agency necessary for…

( …. ) tracnen….  >

The Limits of Suffrage

( weakness of democracy in a heterogeneious and large polity)

Monarchy … family as nation, superior to religion and corporation.

The Declaration

When in the course of human events it becomes preferable for one people to dissolve the political institutions, treaties, laws, agreements, capital, and territorial commons which have united them, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natureโ€™s God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of all mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created unequal in ability, potential, and circumstance; that to prosper despite our inequality we must voluntarily cooperate on shared means, even if on competing ends; and to preserve our cooperation our disputes must be decided by the equal application of the law; and as such we must establish equal rights under the law; and that among these rights is Natural Law of Reciprocity: the right to Life, Body, Mind, Action and the Pursuit and Accumulation of interests in Property, for Self, Family, Clan, Tribe, Kin and Nation, through productive, truthful, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary, exchange, free of the imposition of costs by externality, against the demonstrated interests in property of others.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, and limited by the Natural Law of Reciprocity โ€” That whenever any Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right and Obligation of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to produce and preserve those rights and achieve those ends.

Prudence dictates that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to deprive them of their rights, it is their right, it is their duty, and it is the demand of Nature and Natureโ€™s God, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their security, rights, and prosperity.

Such has been the patient sufferance of our Families, Clans, Tribes, and Nations; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The history of the present Federal Government, all its Branches and all its Bureaucracies, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the circumvention of Natural Law, the subjugation of the different States and their peoples to an empire by the subversion of the constitution upon which our states were found, and the terms by which we consent to be governed.

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world:

the creation and expansion of military, political, and financial empire against the interests of our peoples;

the construction of a vast privileged, parasitic, unaccountable bureaucracy,

the transfer of the capital of the states to the capital of the federal government;

the submission of our sovereignty to predatory and hostile international institutions,

the submission of our sovereignty to hostile foreign treaties,

our suffrage of arbitrary legislation by art and artifice,

our submission to judicial activism by art and artifice,

the circumvention of the constitution by art and artifice,

the deprivation of rights of juridical defense in matters of tax,

the deprivation of equality in matters of debts,

the purchase of political influence in pursuit of privileges against interests hostile to the people,

the use of pseudoscientific economics, accounting, financial device, and deception,

the forcible payment of interest on fiat credit and the irreciprocal privatization of the fruit of that commons,

the destruction of intergenerational lending

(consumer protections)

entrapment clauses, punishment profits

advertising and marketing scams

pseudoscientific drugs and supplements and food.

(funding of pseudoscience)

(forcible takeover of the academy)

(undermining our military culture that is thousands of years old)

(failing to care for our wounded soldiers in wars of adventure)

and hostile immigration by intention

the failure to secure our borders

the falure to secure our information

the militarization of our police forces

the arming of our bureaucrats

the submission of our people to search

the circumvention of our governors by direct election of our senators

the suppression of our religion, itโ€™s replacement by adoption and expansion of an Alien and deceitful pseudoscientific cult via artful accounting, cherry-picking of measures, and willful ignorance of the changes in the capital of kin, culture, norm, tradition, and civilization;

the forcible monopolization of our education, its use for indoctrination against our religion, and for the cult of the state;

โ€“ the sum object of which is the destruction of our families, clans, tribes, nations, culture, traditions, and our civilization through the decimation of our peoples, the prohibition of their religion, their history, traditions, and laws.

( remainder not yet done)

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our founding and their permission to rule in our stead. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of _________, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these These States, solemnly publish and declare,

This government be unmade, the government and all its institutions, laws, treaties and debts, dissolved, a new constitution adopted, and that our rights under natural law be restored.

That we are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. โ€” And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

The State of The Empire

All revolutions are suspect in prospect and obvious in retrospect. But never has an empire been more fragile, nor could one fall more quickly. The people cannot retreat to the fields. They have no stores of food. A full quarter have no monetary reserves, and half only a few monthโ€™s worth. The food, gasoline, transport, power, water, gas, communications, emergency services, police, military, and financial sector have but days of reserves and weeks of tolerance. A few men in each city can overwhelm services. A few days of fear and the streets will be full of predators. The world has turned hostile due to The Stateโ€™s Ideological and Imperial Adventure, and meanwhile patient powers long-seeking revival and recompense wait for opportunity to seize past glories, and we and Europe are held hostage at home, and surrounded by waves of barbarians of greater mobility and lethality than the bronze or iron age migrations โ€“ just as lusty with envy, avarice, and aggression, and even more likely to cause repeat of those dark ages.

No longer do we live in an era where the many must march in the streets.  No longer need more than but a fraction of one percent of the men commit themselves to heady murder. No longer must we seize leaders, institutions, fortresses or armories. No longer does the Peace of Westphalia limit actors, whether foreign or domestic โ€“ what comes is a war of all against all, and a fall like no other in history.

So we pray you take heed. Do not dismiss our entreaty. Our demands are right, just, possible and in the interests of our peoples.  And if demanding fails we shall compel. And if we compel, we will make the Horrors of the French Revolution turn so feeble, that men will remember our prosecution of you for ten thousand years.  For when all our ancestors that have been before, and all our descendants that have yet to be, demand our lives in their honor, we will not shirk our duty to them. And we will have no mercy in our execution.

The Remedy

(list available choices and the benefits of each)

( … )

The Constitution

As conscious beings possessed of degrees of agency, the first question upon which all others depend is why not to suicide? This choice is that of personal philosophy. The second question one must answer is why engage in cooperation rather than free riding, parasitism, and predation? This question is that of ethics. The third a group must answer is why engage in cooperation rather than free riding, parasitism, and predation? This question is that of politics.

The answer to all three question is that persistence of the opportunities of existence, of the returns on cooperation, and of the returns on the production of commons, are preferable to engaging in suicide, separation, free riding, parasitism, and predation, and the condition as a victim of the vicissitudes of a nature hostile to all but the gods we imagine.

For these reasons we organize into families, clans, tribes, nations; and territories, villages, cities, and polities; in the defense of, and for the advancement, of all; and to do so to preserve the returns on cooperation, while increasing proximity and number, and dividing our labors, we produce habits and rules of order consisting of habits, norms, traditions, institutions, processes, rights and obligations, by accident of circumstance, dictate, or choice.  When man makes such rules by choice under sovereignty he produces a contract of processes, rights and obligations because that is all he may.

A constitution consists of a contract by which the members of a polity are bound to its terms, by the enforcers of that contract.

Enforcement of that Contract

In presumption, a constitutional contract is between all citizens for their shared behalf. In practice that contract is between the men of willing to fight and of sufficient numbers, to preserve adherence to, and benefits from, its definitions, processes, rights and obligations, or to replace those those definitions, process, rights, and obligations with others.

Other than those men who will fight, all others are beneficiaries of the contract created by the men willing to use violence to prolong or to overturn the status quo in favor of an alternative order.

Western Civilization evolved on the eurasian plain and the forests of europe, and the shores of the Black, Baltic, North, and Mediterranean Seas. These people required land for farming, and grazing horses and cattle. Unlike the early river valley civilizations, that could concentrate production by irrigation, they depended upon a voluntary, contractual, militia of kin led by professional warriors who used technology and maneuver to their advantage despite their small numbers, relative wealth, and distance from the center of the bronze age and world trade.  This contract led to the uniqueness of western civilization’s institutionalization of contract as Individual Sovereignty, Truth, Duty, Reciprocity, and Customary Law of Tort, which must result in markets for all aspects of life: association, cooperation, reproduction, production, commons, and polities.

To provide incentives to produce and maintain all forms of capital, constitution consists of a contract of indefinite end. A contractual arrangement of indefinite end, is only valuable until a more preferable contractual arrangement arises – at which point it is in the individual familial, clan and national interest to exit the less preferable arrangement for the more preferable arrangement.

The minimum purpose of such a constitution is to produce sufficient returns from voluntary cooperation that the choice to continue cooperation under the terms of the constitution, is preferable to terminating that contact, and replacing it with one that provides superior returns.

In the absence of reciprocity and proportionality, men have no incentive to produce rights and obligations โ€“ they have the opposite incentive: to free riding, parasitism, and predation. The weak favor parasitic equality. The strong favor parasitic inequality. The just favor market meritocracy.

All men are born with a wealth of care and violence that they may increase, maintain, or lay fallow. It is this wealth of care and violence that men use to produce agreements under which they can cooperate – or to be the victims of those who engage in free riding, parasitism, predation, and familicide, genocide, culture-cide, and civilization-cide against them.

The failure of the constitutional eras has been caused by wishful thinking, overestimation of man, the lack of rigor in their construction, the pretense of benevolence by their creators and administrators, the malincentives that each of these frailties creates, and the natural tendencies of all organizations of all scales to maximize rents and exploit economic opportunities at costs to human, institutional, and territorial capital, until unable to adapt to shocks.



A people may choose only so many dimensions of decidability in political institutions that advance the group’s interests.

  1. Cult (Religion) vs Corporation (Statism) vs Kin (Nationalism)
  2. Dysgenic (equalitarian) vs Eugenic (meritocratic)
  3. Parasitic vs Static vs Productive
  4. Authoritarian vs Administrative vs Rule of Law


We the People, choose Kin, Eugenic, Productive, Rule of Law as most suited to our interests and abilities.

1 – Kin Rather than Corporation or Cult.

( … )

—“Let A Thousand Nations Bloom.”—

2 – Eugenic rather than Dysgenic.

( … )

3 – Productive vs Parasitic or Static

( … )

4 – Rule of Law vs Authoritarian or Administrative

( … )

—“Transcendence via Excellence, Beauty, Truth, Duty, Sovereignty, Reciprocity, Rule of Law, and Markets in everything: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, and polities.”—



( … )


1 – The United States Constitution Shall be Amended as Follows:


Articles I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII are Repealed, and new provisions stated herein.


  • Amendment I is repealed and its new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment II is repealed and its new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment III is repealed as redundant given provisions herein.
  • Amendment IV shall stand, but its provisions further clarified herein.
  • Amendment V shall stand, but it’s provisions further clarified herein.
  • Amendment VI shall stand, but it’s provisions further clarified herein.
  • Amendment VII shall stand, but it’s provisions further clarified herein.
  • Amendment VIII shall stand, but it’s provisions further clarified herein.
  • Amendment IX (Retained by the people) shall be repealed and it’s new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment X (Retained by the States) is repealed and its new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XI (Sovereign Immunity) is repealed and is new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XII (Presidency) is repealed and alternate provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XIII (Slavery) shall stand, with new provisions for artificial life and intelligence stated herein.
  • Amendment XIV (Reconstruction) is repealed, with prejudice as an act of violence against the people, as unconstitutional, and all acts that descend from it repealed and nullified with prejudice.
  • Amendment XV (Voting) is repealed with prejudice, as an act of violence against the people, and all acts that descend from it repealed and nullified with prejudice.
  • Amendment XVI (Income Tax) is repealed and new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XVII (Senators) is repealed and new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XVIII (Prohibition) was repealed by the twenty first, and shall remain repealed.
  • Amendment XIX (Sex) is repealed and new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XX (Dates) is repealed and new provisions stated herein.
  • Amendment XXI (Repeal) is repealed as redundant and no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXII (President) is repealed as no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXIII (DC) is repealed as no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXIV (Poll Tax) is repealed as no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXV (Presidential Succession) is repealed as no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXVI (Voting Age) is repealed as no longer relevant.
  • Amendment XXVII (Compensation) is repealed as no longer relevant.


The Introduction, The Declaration, and This Constitution shall constitute the Full Body of the Constitution for all purposes of interpretation.


Whereas Man Demonstrates;

Agency (self determination)(will to power)(positive and negative  freedom)

( … )

โ€”โ€œAgency consists in the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own choices subject to both personal and external limitations.”—

( Counsel:
—“Agency refers to the absence of impediment, the same way that truth refers to the absence of falsehood. We do not know what the unknown impediments and falsehoods consists of, we only know that they are removable by science, technology, time, effort and resources.”—- )

Perfect agency would consist in perfect knowledge(omniscience), perfect reason, perfect emotions, perfect mental and emotional discipline (mindfulness), perfect ability to act (omnipotence), unlimited resources, and no competition, no need to cooperate, and therefore no need for conventions, laws, institutions, or infrastructure.

As humans we have imperfect knowledge, imperfect reason, imperfect mindfulness, imperfect emotions, limited range of actions, limited resources, and we live in a world where we must compete, must cooperate to compete, and to do so require conventions, laws, institutions, and infrastructure.

A host of factors that increase or limit an individual and his or her Agency, such as age,  gender, social class, ethnicity, religion, customs, education, economic institutions, government, propaganda, ability, knowledge, ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, and deceit. Meaning that oneโ€™s agency is determined by the combination of beneficial institutions, abilities, and knowledge and inhibiting institutions, abilities, and knowledge.

Therefore Agency consists in the degree to which one approaches perfect ability to act, when not limited by knowledge, reason, emotions, mindfulness, range of action, available instrumentation, available resources, competition, cooperation, conventions, laws, institutions and infrastructure.

Given we can never have unlimited knowledge, unlimited resources, and we have limited ability to be free of competition, need for cooperation, conventions, laws, institutions, and infrastructure, we can seek largely to improve our knowledge, reason, mindfulness, and assets so that we maximize our agency within the available limits.

Well, we donโ€™t know what future limitation we might encounter, but we are impeded (limited) in mental capacity, mindfulness, knowledge, physical ability, resources, time, social, political, our physical world, and the laws of nature.

So we face limits to imagination, thought, independence from emotions, impulses and biases, knowledge, models of knowledge, the rate of knowledge accumulated, physical size, strength, speed, perception, health, cellular degeneration, biological composition, energy, physical resources, time, limits of imposed upon us by others, and the limits of controlling of others, and the limited abilities of others, and the limitations of the environment and the physical universe.

Individuals and groups have evolved a distribution of biological potential for agency, and a distribution of habits, manners, ethics, morals, laws, traditions, and institutions (Culture) suitable to their agency  And the cumulative result of both biological and cultural is the their rate of development and means of group competition, survival, and evolution.




Man acts to acquire. Life is an expensive means of defeating entropy. Acting improves acquisition โ€“ at additional cost. Memory improves acquisition โ€“ at additional cost. Reason improves acquisition โ€“ at additional cost. Cooperation improves acquisition โ€“ at additional cost.

  • Life: Man is an expensive life form.
  • Time:  (time here) ( … )
  • Action: Man has three sets of faculties: physical, intuitionistic, and rational;  with them he can Sense(physical), Memory(knowledge), Intuit(emotional), Reason(cognitive, calculative), Communicate(display, word, and deed), and Act (move).
  • Acquisition: Man must act to defeat the continuous cost of existence in time, by continuous acquisition of information, opportunities, associations, resources, goods, and services to survive, prosper, and reproduce.

—โ€˜the social object of skilled investment should be to defeat the dark forces of time and ignorance which envelope our future,โ€™—

  • Incentive: It is in man’s interest to seek:
    1. The greatest return;
    2. with the least effort;
    3. in the least time;
    4. using the least resources;
    5. with the least uncertainty;
    6. with the least risk;
    7. with the least negative externalities;
  • Discounts …  Premiums ( … )
  • Cost: Man pays costs consisting of the difference between the one choice and the next best choice – the next best choice including inaction. All costs are costs of opportunity.



1. Demonstrated Interests, (Demonstrated Property, “Property-In-Toto”):  The set of that which man acts, or forgoes opportunities for action, (satisfaction) to acquire, preserve, accumulate, use and consume.

2. Capital: The scope of Demonstrated Interests (actions) accumulated.


Demonstrated Interests include the Existential and the Obtained:

1. Existential (or Natural) Interests:


( … )


Existential Interests Include:

1. Self: 
Life, Body, Genes,
Memories, Mind, Attention
Time, and Action

2. Stimulation, Experience

3. Status and Class (reputation, honor)
Self-Image, Status, Reputation
Social, Sexual, Economic, Political, and Military Market Value

4. Kin and Interpersonal (Relationship) Interests
Mates (access to sex/reproduction), and Marriage
Children (genetic reproduction)
Consanguineous Relations (family, kin, clan, tribal and national relations)

5. Sustainable Patterns of Association, Cooperation, Insurance, Reproduction,  Production, Distribution and Trade
Friends, Acquaintances, Neighbors,
Cooperative Relations, Commercial Relations,
Political Relations, and Military Relations.

2. Obtained Interests include:


Obtained Interest: Interests that are obtained by bearing a cost of opportunity, time, effort, resources, to obtain that interest without imposing upon the previously born costs of others.


Obtained Interests Include:

6. Several (Personal) Interests
Personal property: โ€œThings an individual has a Monopoly Of Control over the use of.โ€
Physical Body and Several Property: Those things we claim a monopoly of control over.

7. Shareholder (Fractional) Interests
Shares in property: Recorded And Quantified Shareholder Property (claims for partial ownership)

8. Title Interests (Weights and Measures)
Trademarks and Brands (prohibitions on fraudulent transfers within a geography).

9. Artificial Interests (Privileges)
Letters of Marque, Patents, Copyrights, Grants of License.

10. Common Interests, or โ€œCommonsโ€ (Community Property)
Institutional Property: โ€œThose objects into which we have invested our forgone opportunities, our efforts, or our material assets, in order to aggregate capital from multiple individuals for mutual gain.โ€

(i) Informational commons: knowledge. Information.

(ii) Informal (Normative) Institutions: Our norms: habits, manners, ethics and morals. Informal institutional property is nearly impossible to quantify and price.  The costs are subjective and consist of forgone opportunities.

(iii) Formal (Physical) Commons: the territory, itโ€™s waterways, parks, buildings, improvements and infrastructure.

(iv) Formal (Procedural) Institutions: Our institutions: Religion, Education, Banking, Treasury, Government, Laws, Courts.

(v) Monuments (art and artifacts).
Monuments claim territory, demonstrate wealth, and provide one of the longest most invariable normative and economic returns that any culture can construct as a demonstration of conspicuous production (wealth), and as such, conspicuous excellence. (hence why competing monuments represent an invasion. Temples, Churches, Museums, Sculptures being the most obvious examples of cultural claim or conquest. )

(vi) Common Opportunity Interests
When people come together in proximity, and suppress impositions of costs upon the interests of others through the incremental evolution of the law of reciprocity, they decrease the time and effort required to produce voluntary association, cooperation and exchange. As such polities decrease opportunity costs, and generate opportunities. These opportunities are un-homsesteaded (opportunities) until invested in by individuals either by expenditure of time effort and resources, or by forgoing opportunities for consumption. As such the proximity of people and the institution of reciprocity under law produce a commons of opportunities that we seize (homestead) by competition. As such no one may claim interest in an opportunity without conducting and exchange by which to seize it.


personality and intelligence



  • Emotions: Emotions are a reflection of change in state of our anticipated, existing, and past inventory of the spectrum of our demonstrated interests.

Reason, Calculation, and Computation;

( … )

Cognitive Bias;


Cognitive biases arise from too much information, the limits of memory, insufficient meaning, the need to act quickly, and the need to preserve confidence sufficient to act in continuous uncertainty.  These biases vary between individuals, and some can be trained, but all humans are affected by them.

They include:

  • Decision Making biases effect Decidability, belief, and behavior;
  • Attributional biases in effect perceptions of relations between the self and others;
  • Memory biases that either enhance or impair the recall of a memory (either the chances that the memory will be recalled at all, or the amount of time it takes for it to be recalled, or both), or that alters the content of a reported memory.

Frustration Bias;

( … )

(do neural economy here)

Gender Bias;

(herd vs pack)


1 – Males mature rather slowly, and may not speak for two years after females, and in the absence of dominance play, even more slowly – maturing from late childhood to fourteen, and then from fourteen to their early twenties. Females mature rather quickly, and increasingly quickly, and are generally mature by 16-18, although cognitive maturity (agency) seems to appear in mid thirties, where cognitive agency in males appears in late teens to early twenties.

2 – Females bear a higher cost of reproduction and are more dependent for others, during long years of child caring and defense.  Males have a near zero cost of reproduction. However, in general, females and males favor female choice of mate – but after mating males appear to exhibit some form of ownership over females for a number of years.

3 – Male aggression is frequent and short term, seeking negotiation for position in the hierarchy of antagonists.  In general, male aggressors are given status by males as long as they are creating order rather than threat. Female aggression is infrequent and never ending, seeking total destruction of antagonists. Males use dominance expression, threats and violence, women use disapproval, shaming, ridicule, rallying, gossip, and reputation destruction to cause panic and vulnerability in other females.  Female aggressors are granted social status by females less aggressive.

4 – Female cognitive bias is equalitarian, and male cognitive bias hierarchical.  This is evident in our moral biases, where females tend to more exclusively favor harm,care, and proportionality, and males tend to also favor reciprocity, sacredness, and hierarchy.   These biases correspond to property rights today, and property rights correspond to political preferences.

Liberal/Females favor individual property rights (Consumption):

(a) Care/harm for others, protecting them from harm. (The asset of life and body.)
(b) Proportionality/cheating, Justice, treating others in proportion to their actions. (The asset of goods.)
(c) Liberty/Oppression, characterizes judgments in terms of whether subjects are tyrannized. (The asset of time, opportunity.)

Conservative/Males Favor ALSO Community property rights (Saving, Denying Consumption to others):

(d) In-Group Loyalty/In-Group Betrayal to/of your group, family, nation, polity.
(e) Respect/Authority/Subversion for tradition and legitimate authority.
(f) Purity/Sanctity/Degradation/Disgust, avoiding disgusting things, foods, actions.

The male reproductive strategy among chimpanzees as well as humans evolved to kill off males in opposing groups and collect females and territory. And that females evolved to place greater emphasis on children and females than the (fungible) tribe – precisely because they could be captured and then reduced to lower status and possibly death under the females of another tribe – this is the origin of female behavior. Female attachment may exist but throughout history females have exposed more children to the elements than men have killed in war.

Hierarchy (A Pack) requires only that you seek your position. There is no fear of exclusion, only change in position. Equality (A Herd) has no position so one is either in and conforming our out for not.

Packs survive by fighting together and protecting each other, regardless of position in the hierarchy. Herds survive by fleeing and leaving the weak behind.

This is the origin of differences in male(conservative) female (progressive) minds, and their cognitive, moral, and political biases.

In other words, females evolved the herd cognitive and moral biases, and males evolved the pack cognitive and moral biases, and through evolutionary history we have unevenly distributed these intuitions along with there brain, endocrine, and developmental processes between the genders.

This gradual division of perception, cognition, memory, labor, advocacy, coercion, and demand for satisfaction of such, along with our ability to voluntarily cooperate when we can and involuntarily be coerced when we must, has evolved a specialization of the feminine psychotic to solipsistic to compassionate to considered to the rational to the analytical, to the mildly autistic, to the entirely autistic masculine on one axis, the agency we call intelligence and industriousness on the other axis.

This division has resulted not only in a division of labor across the reproductive biases, but across the physical, cooperative, and cognitive spectrum of our abilities, and across the short term, medium term, and long term spectrum of time.

Using these divisions of perception, cognition, labor, advocacy, and coercion; physical, social, and cognitive labor; and short term, medium term, and long term focus, we can adapt to nearly any long term environment by little more than the combined utility of those traits.  This requires no substantial genetic mutation, only voluntary reproductive bias for traits that produce social, economic, and political status in that environment.

We gradually ameliorated our sex differences in strategy, cognition, and moral intuition, by pairing-off, and then controlling alphas. This compromise was generally in favor of females since the majority of females reproduced, and the minority of males reproduced.  This persisted until (it appears) agrarianism where we developed marriage out of pairing off in order to preserve the advantage of scarce property (capital) within an intergenerational family, and improve our division of labor between the genders.

Some groups evolved to specialize more in the male biases, and some more so in the female biases.


Moral Intuition Bias;


Moral (Proper):
Moral Norm:
Moral Intuition:


There exist three moral, and political biases that constitute our different moral intuitions, each which reflects our reproductive strategy (our terms; our criteria of demand for cooperation):

1 – the dysgenic, proportional, immediate, sentimental (socialist, liberal, female and underclass), herd strategy.

2 – the eugenic, reciprocal, temporal (libertarian, ascendent male), inclusive pack strategy, and;

3 – the eugenic, reciprocal, intertemporal (aristocratic, conservative, established male) exclusive pack strategy.

Which constitutes a fairly obvious spectrum of consumption  and redistribution to concentration in quality.  In other words the debate between EQUALITY and QUALITY is an expression of dysgenic equality, and eugenic quality, which is the difference between the male GROUP strategy of their collective offspring, vs the individual female strategy of their individual offspring – counter intuitive but many fundamental truths are – which is why we need to understand them.

Ability (ranges)

( … )  physical, intuitionistic, rational, speech

Speech (Communication);

(Display word deed)

Truthfulness and Deceit;

( … )



Language consists of justificationary negotiation in furtherance of our acquisition by these three means (LIST THE THREE AGAIN). ergo: All โ€˜beliefโ€™ is justification to the self and others in furtherance of acquisition. It is meaningless. Statements of justification only provide us with information necessary to deduce what it is that we wish to acquire.



  • Man has only three choices in how to act in relation to others:
    1. Avoidance (Boycott, Deprivation of cooperation)
    2. Cooperation (Productive Exchange), or;
    3. Conflict (Parasitism, Predation, or War)
  • Man can voluntarily cooperate because he can sympathize with the intentions of others, communicate, and negotiate terms of cooperation, and determine the returns on cooperation, and choose whether which actions to take with his limited time, effort, resources, and will.
  • Man has only one incentive to cooperate: the value of doing so is greater than the alternatives of avoidance and conflict.
  • Cooperation is a disproportionately more productive means of acquisition than individual production.
  • Continuous cooperation in a division of perception, cognition, knowledge, labor, advocacy, negotiation, and trade informed by prices is ….

Rational, Reciprocal, Ethical, Moral, and Good Action;


We seek discounts in our acquisitions. Some of these discounts are productive and moral and encourage cooperation, and some of them are unproductive and immoral, discourage cooperation, and encourage retaliation.

  • Only voluntary transfer is rational and non-coercive without creating demand for retaliation and decline of future opportunity for returns on cooperation.
  • Only productive voluntary exchange is reciprocally rational.
  • Only fully informed and warrantied productive voluntary exchange is ethical.
  • Only fully informed and warrantied productive voluntary exchange free of imposition of costs upon the interests of other members of the group by externality is moral.

The only ethical and moral acquisition is one in which one either homesteads an interest by act of transformation (investment), or obtains that interest by productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary exchange, where any external, involuntary transfers (externalities) are not unproductive (losses).

Rational, Irreciprocal, Unethical, Immoral, and Evil Action;


  • Man must act to preserve and extend cooperation to preserve the disproportionate rewards of acquisition through cooperation.
  • Man acts to preserve and extend cooperation by the suppression of parasitism that creates the disincentive to cooperate, and therefore decreases the disproportionate rewards of acquisition through cooperation.
  • Man conducts free riding, parasitism, and predation by:

-Predation (Physical)-
Criminal Prohibitions.
1. Murder
2. Violence (harm, rape, damage, asymmetry of force)
3. Theft (asymmetry of control)
FREEDOM Achieved Upon Suppression.

Unethical Prohibitions.
Fraud (Informational):
4. Hazard Production (Baiting, Entrapment), Poisoning the Well (Gossip, Ridicule, Shaming, Rallying, Reputation Destruction, Straw Manning, Heaping of Undue Praise on the undeserving.)
5. Fraud (false information)
6. Omission (Omitting information)
7. Obscurantism (Obscuring information)
8. Obstruction (Inhibiting someone elseโ€™s transaction)
ETHICALITY Achieved Upon Suppression.

-Free-Riding (Social)-
Immoral Prohibitions.
Free Riding (Social):
9. Profit without contribution to production.
10. Externalization (externalizing costs of any transaction)
11. Free Riding (using externalities for self-benefit)
12. Socializing Losses (externalization to commons)
13. Privatizing Gains (appropriation of commons)
MORALITY Achieved Upon Suppression.

Political Prohibitions.
Conspiracy (Political):
14. Monopoly, Cartel Seeking (or partial monopoly)
15. Rent Seeking (organizational free riding)
16. Corruption ( organized rent seeking)
17. Conspiracy (organized indirect theft)
18. Extortion (Organized direct theft), Blackmail.
LIBERTY Achieved Upon Suppression.

Military Prohibitions.
Warfare (Military):
19. Conversion (Propaganda, Religious or normative theft of norms)
20. Overbreeding
21. Immigration. (dilution of norms, institutions, genes)
22. War (organized violence for the purpose of theft)
23. Conquest. (reorganization of all property and relations)
24. Genocide. (extermination of kin and genetic future)
SOVEREIGNTY Achieved Upon Suppression.

– Evil-
The imposition of costs upon the interests of others without intent or incentive for gain, but for the purpose of causing them loss regardless of one’s gain or loss.

Suppression of Free Riding, Parasitism, and Predation;


Man suppresses parasitism by:

1 – Violence: threats of interpersonal violence, and interpersonal violence, and organized violence;
3 – Boycott: threats of interpersonal ostracization from cooperation, interpersonal ostracization, organized ostracization from cooperation;
5 –Remuneration: Promises of individual remuneration, or deprivation from remuneration, organized remuneration, or deprivation from remuneration,

(list institutions of suppression of free riding, parasitism, and predation)

Common Law: Incremental, Evolutionary, Suppression:

( … )



Man competes for status because status provides discounts on opportunities to acquire interests โ€“ especially mates,  insurance, cooperation, and allies.

  1. social (status desirability),
  2. economic (wealth desirability),
  3. reproductive (genetic desirability),
  4. political and military (competitive desirability) โ€“ as well as their undesirable opposites.





( … )

Reproductive Competition;


  • Man acts in furtherance of his reproductive strategy.
  • Male and Female reproductive strategies are in conflict.
  • The Female seeks to breed where it benefits her lineage; to force the cost of her offspring on the tribe through moral hazard; to further her offspring regardless of merit; to generalize to preserve adaptability to changing group dynamics; to preserve soft her soft-power by seeking safety in consensus, non conflict, and numbers, at the expense of Male interests. To limit accumulated cellular damage on behalf of the herd; To ostracize (kill) competitors through endless  reputation destruction; As such Females act to produce sufficient equality to reduce conflict. This consists in the Herd strategy and Instincts.
  • The Male seeks to breed impulsively wherever it does not harm his lineage; to use violence most frequently in defense of access to a female; to preserve hard power by creating a tribe capable of resisting dominance by other Males at the expense of Female interests; to specialize in the group at the cost of adaptability to changes in group dynamics; to seek safety in the company of a hierarchy of men capable of coordinating (hunting) by similar interests; to demonstrate hierarch and loyalty;to absorb accumulated cellular damage on behalf of the females and children. As such Males act meritocratically;  This consists in the Pack strategy and Instincts.
  • Males and Females overlap in their uses of each other’s reproductive strategies, due to variations in dimorphism and reverse dimorphism present under evolutionary neoteny.
  • Without limits to both Male and Female behavior in favor of their strategies, the compromise between the strategies fails, and the extremes of each force costs upon the other.
  • Man evolved degrees of pairing-off in multiple relations, serial relations, and monogamy;  and degrees of ‘cheating’ from frequent to infrequent, as in their ability and interest.
  • The institution of marriage of increasing length in response to the increase in productive capital under control of the family, produced an Equilibrium under which all do the best they can without imposing harm upon others, at the expense of  producing an optimum for any.

Transformation (Production);


Specialization in a division of knowledge, labor, …..;

Physical, Organizational, Intellectual


( …. ) social econ… etc


Hierarchies must form to produce decidability, and always and everywhere form because of the Pareto law, ( power law) is required to organize the voluntary organization of the suite of markets we call society: association, cooperation, production, reproduction, commons, and polities.  The costs of organizing people involuntarily rise rapidly with the number, and availability of choices; can only be applied to relatively simple projects; and requires continuous monitoring of the people for defection, escape, corruption, and black markets.  The costs of producing markets using voluntary cooperation requires only the suppression of defectors, which in turn causes the polity to self police defectors.





There exist only three means of coercing other humans to cooperate with on one means or end vs cooperate with others on different means or ends.

  • Man has only three means of coercion (influence):
    1. Remuneration (payment, trade)
    2. Force, Loss of Life, Experience, Liberty, …..
    3. Ostracization, Reputation Destruction, Loss of Status and Opportunity.

These three means of coercion can be used to construct three vertical axis of class specialization: coercion by force(conservatism/masculine), coercion by gossip(progressivism/feminine), coercion by remuneration (libertarianism / neutral masculine).

Human elites are formed by those who specialize in one or more of these means of coercion: gossip: public intellectuals and priests. force: military and political. exchange: voluntary organizations, including the voluntary organization of production.

  • Man Specializes in three means of coercion:
    1. Remuneration: Finance, Commerce, Caretaking (or Bribery)
    2. Force: Military, Police, Law (or murder, violence, theft)
    3. Ostracization: Gossip, Religion, Education, Propaganda (ostracizationreputation destruction, deprivation of opportunity, information, deception)
  • Man Evolves classes we call ‘elites’ to specialize in each of these means of coercion.
  • The dominance of one group of specialists over another is historical and demographic.
  • Elites are necessary for decidability in coordination.
  • Man follows elites …..

Organization into Groups

( … ) Esp discounts from proximity

Kin Group Bias; (at all scales)

( … )

many discounts on everything from ingoup especially from signals


– Generational Differences – 

(cycles of generations, credit and debt, seeking opportunity by subsequent generations)


Organization into Institutions (family, clan, tribe etc and nation vs corporation vs cult)

( … )

Kin (military)




Organization into Markets (of all kinds) and counter markets (of all kinds)

The Market as A Means of Survival

  1. (1) One gains Dividends from the construction and maintenance of the voluntary organization of production, distribution, and trade paid for by forgoing opportunities for parasitic consumption (acting ethically and morally).
  2. (2) One gains access to opportunity for cooperation and consumption in the market.
  3. (3) One gains earnings from the personal production of goods and services in the market for goods and services. (income from profits)
  4. (4) Dividends for maintenance of the commons in all its forms.
  5. (5) Dividends for the policing (defense) of the commons in all its forms.

The Inability of Some To Participate in the Market

(creating defense of the order of cooperation)

Organization into Political Orders (Markets for Commons)

Communist —- Socialist — Kin —- Capitalist —- Anarchist


Organization by Group Evolutionary Strategy


Organizing by use of grammar in support of group evolutionary strategy


There is only one strategy that does not forsce other sto bear the cost: reciprocity (trade) betwen kin groups.




|Differences|Human Species (Macro Races) >  Major Races (subspecies) > Races > Tribes > Clans > Classes > Families > Sexes > Individuals >  Stage of Development (age) > Traits >   Knowledge > Skills 


Meaningful Variation in the Human Species is limited to the following Traits:

1 – Degree of Neoteny (asian white indian iranic semitic pacific african – testosterone levels, in that order)

2 – Rate and Depth of Maturity. (Same as above)

3 – Size of the Underclass through reproductive suppression and upward redistribution. (iq levels and beneficial personality traits.)

4 – Distribution of Gender Traits (emphasis vs reversal) both morphological, intuitive, cognitive, and behavioral.


1 – Distribution of Moral Intuition between female herd and male pack, because of distribution of Gender Traits.

2 – Distribution of Personality Traits in the group of which Intelligence and Industriousness matters for both genders, and negative-agreeableness (decisiveness) matters for males.

3 – Distribution of Cognitive Bias between female herd and male pack.

(Note: AFAIK personality traits correspond to both stages of the prey drive, the modification of the prey drive for sex role, and our reward systems that produce the effects.)

7 – Distribution of Age and Generations. (And cyclical bias of generations)

8 – Group evolutionary Strategy using Gender Traits (Semitic maternal, asian paternal, western compromise). Including the manners, ethics, morals, norms, traditions, institutions public and private, and especially method of decidability, consequential logic, grammar, and vocabulary by which all such habits are expressed.



Human groups differ substantially in their distributions on these axis.

Human variation produces different demands from the markets for association, cooperation, production, reproduction, and the production of commons.

Political orders can favor kin or corporation, equality or meritocracy, with the optimum order being kin meritocracy, which will produce equality by externality of kin selection.




The influential differences between races are due to (a) degree of neoteny due to climate, (b) size of the underclass due to both climate and means of production, (c) distribution of male and female biases (traits) between the genders in the group; and (d) the norms, traditions, customs, formal and informal institutions that were necessary for those traits in that distribution in that region.

( Counsel: This debate is settled. Take any group’s iq distribution and select 105. take the curve above 105 and find that percentage and standard deviation.  Apply that standard deviation below 105 (mirror the curve). The new curve represents the people who are not a burden to mankind.

Attached is the chart of world GDP per point of IQ, and it’s pretty obvious that the rate of decline is very fast after 95 – in fact it’s just a cliff. (the outlier is china with low gdp).

While racial differences in Personality Traits are small, they are meaningful in expression, and affected by IQ (cognitive capacity vs cognitive load):

—–“First, we conclude that the magnitudes of the White โ€“Black differences are very small. Our second conclusion is that the magnitude of the White โ€“ Black differences for the Big 5 is moderated by the cognitive loading of the personality scales. Our third conclusion is that most of our results are primarily consistent with the nil hypothesis

which is that there are no differences between Blacks and Whites on four of the seven personality constructs. Blacks are slightly more extroverted and emotionally stable, and Whites are slightly more agreeable.”—  Tate and McDaniel [1]

There is not enough data to measure these differences and no means of measuring differences in aggression.

So in summary: *Cognitive Load affects Personality Trait Expression* which is an alternative method of stating that intelligence decreases frustration levels providing more time for rational thought rather than impulse.  Which is another way of saying the efficiency of the neural economy in correspondence to the capacity of available memory produces the possibility of additional iterations of temporal recursion, prior to exhaustion of the network of forecasting and decidability stimulated by the inputs.

In conclusion, Immigration has to be limited to current 125IQ and above, and young and old put to useful work for a polity to produce returns in the current world.

There is no way to preserve our high trust society without insulation from those groups not yet having achieved sufficient eugenic evolution who will achieve here what it has elsewhere: regression.






-Heterogeneity – Settled – Diversity is a bad.-


( … )

-Ethnocentrism – Settled-.

1 – Ethnocentrism is the optimum group evolutionary strategy if for no other reason than reciprocal trust,  investment and insurance without sacrifice to kin selection. There is no competitor to it, whatsoever. People are more gregarious to their own, and more redistributive, with less fear of political competition, because all competition is internal and by class or faction rather than kin group. The problem has traditionally been that many ethic groups were not able to concentrate sufficient capital to create self governance, or had to be captured to prevent capture by others, or were of sufficient hazard to neighbors they were ruled.  (The exception is people lower on the ladder who look for allies against their betters, and to have ‘someone below them’ which appears very important to humans.)

2 – Ethnocentrism eliminates race and tribe conflict in the suppression of expansion of underclasses through soft eugenics (paying the unproductive not to have children). There is no value in internal competitors. none.

( … )





Purpose (incremental evolutionary suppression)

( … )

The result of these conditions, is that man seeks Agency, within the limits of his abilities, frustrations and comforts, with only so much reciprocity as he can get away with paying the costs of.

—“The Will To Power”—

(Self determination)

The Law

—“That which is set or established: Customary rules.”—

law (n.)
Old English lagu (plural laga, combining form lah-) “ordinance, rule prescribed by authority, regulation; district governed by the same laws;” also sometimes “right, legal privilege,” from Old Norse *lagu “law,” collective plural of lag “layer, measure, stroke,” literally “something laid down, that which is fixed or set” from Proto-Germanic *lagam “put, lay,” from PIE root *legh- “to lie, lay” (from PIE root *legh- “to lie down, lay”). Identical with lay (n.2) as “that which is set or established.”

On Reciprocity


1. There is only one natural law of human cooperation and that is Reciprocity.

2. Reciprocity requires we limit our behavior to productive, fully informed, warrantied, voluntary transfer, free of imposition of costs upon the interests of others either directly or by externality.

3. Constitutions for all forms of government, and their dependent laws, can be constructed from the test of reciprocity if such constitutions are constructed truthfully, operationally, and completely – because contracts for rights and obligations may produce different sets of trades of rights and obligations that cumulative effect may be sufficiently agreeable that the incentive is insufficient to oppose it.

On Construction:


( … )


1. All laws shall be strictly constructed from a logical, sequential, test of reciprocity.  And that all laws must state the purpose, scope, and limits of the prohibition they impose such that it cannot be expanded through prosecutorial or judicial activism. And that such expansions shall be attributable to the jurist that issues them.

On Construction by Function

( … )

In Conclusion:

  1. All conflicts are decidable by tests of reciprocity.
  2. All attempts at reciprocity are reciprocal, ethical, and moral, goods;
  3. Any attempt to circumvent reciprocity is an attempt at free riding, parasitism, or predation, whether by accident, error, bias, or intent, is irreciprocal, and criminal, unethical, immoral, or evil.

Counsel: that which is not criminal, unethical, and immoral because it imposes no costs upon the capital consisting of the demonstrated interests of others, can only constitute the amoral (irrelevant), preferential, and good (reciprocally preferential). As such all actions that are not “bad” are candidates for “good”.

Categories of Law


Man demonstrates these methods of legal demand:

  1. Natural Law, Rights and Obligations
  2. Contract (agreement between parties) under the one law of reciprocity.
  3. Findings of Law, meaning Judge Discovered Law (discovered by the court)
  4. Regulation (Rules of Prior Constraint given force of law by the insurer of last resort)
  5. Legislation ( Rules produced by a governing body using rules of law, and given force of law )
  6. Command (rules given force of law, produced by one or more rulers and governors regardless of rules of law)

Decidability of Law


Man demonstrates these Methods of Decidability in Adjudication of Law:

1. Rule of Law by Reciprocity (Natural Law – Non Conflict)
Rule of Law by the Natural Law of Reciprocity (Logical), or “concrete” definition that must preserve one right of reciprocity, rendering all disputes decidable, and all  findings of law, regulation, and legislation, and all contracts under them decidable. Reciprocity provides a Formal Logic of Juridical Decidability.

Reciprocity creates law that is a Statement of FACT.

2. Rule of Law (By Conformity to Rights)
Rule of Law: a “Substantive” (Skeptical) or “thick” definition. Rule of Law by Rights provides a Rational method of juridical decidability.Substantive (Skeptical) conceptions of the rule of law include certain substantive rights that are said to be based on, or derived from, the rule of law. The substantive interpretation holds that the rule of law intrinsically must protect some or all individual rights – rights that can be articulated – but that need not be reciprocal or internally consistent.

Rule of Law by Conformity to Rights produces findings of law that are Rational Judgements given unavoidable inconsistencies.

In addition:
– No finding of law, regulation, or legislation may apply retroactively: if there is no such law there is no crime.

3. Rule By Law (Rule by Legislation – Agreement between a Group)
Rule by Law: a “Formalist”: (Optimistic) or “thin” definition, that must not preserve any such rights, and that either the state or the people are unlimited in their imposition of  ….   Rule by Legislation is aFormalist (Optimistic) definitions of the rule of law do not make a judgment about the “justness” of law itself, but define specific procedural attributes that a legal framework must have in order to be in compliance with the rule of law. The formalist interpretation holds that the rule of law has purely formal characteristics, meaning that the law must be publicly declared, with prospective application, and possess the characteristics of generality, equality, and certainty, but there are no requirements with regard to the content of the law.

In addition, some theorists hold that democracy(majority) can circumvent both procedure and rights, or construct new rights (rather than privileges).

Formalism allows laws the pretense of claiming rule of law when rights are not protected by including countries that do not necessarily have such laws protecting democracy or individual rights in the scope of the definition of  “rule of law”.

The “formal” interpretation is more widespread than the “substantive” interpretation. Formalists hold that the law must be prospective, well-known, and have characteristics of generality, equality, and certainty. Other than that, the formal view contains no requirements as to the content of the law.

Rule of Law by Legislation produces findings of law that are Reasonable given the inconsistency of the basis for laws.

4. Rule of Man (By Arbitrary Discretion – Individuals )
A “Functional” (Fictional) or “ultra-thin” definition.The functional (Fictional) interpretation of the term “rule of law”, consistent with the traditional English meaning, contrasts the “rule of law” with the “rule of man.” According to the functional view, a society in which government officers have a great deal of discretion has a low degree of “rule of law”, whereas a society in which government officers have little discretion has a high degree of “rule of law”.

Rule of Man’s Arbitrary Discretion requires neither formal process nor substantial rights be respected, and allows government officials great and possibly unlimited ‘discretion’, but not necessarily the judiciary or the people.

Rule of law by Arbitrary Discretion produces findings of law that are Arbitrary.

( Counsel:  The ancient concept of Rule OF law can be distinguished from rule BY law, in that, under the rule OF law, the law serves as a check against the abuse of power by the judiciary and the state, and rule of law by the Natural Law of  Reciprocity (“Natural Law”) serves as a check against the government, the judiciary, and the people.

Under rule BY law, findings of the court, regulation, legislation, and commands are enforced as if law a mere tool for a government, that oppresses the population a using legislation as justification for arbitrary commands – a means of violating rights

Under Rule of Man, there are no checks on power to violate rights.  

As such there is only one Rule of Law: Reciprocity, and all other are not law, but judgements of some number of Men, with varying degrees of consistency and given force of law. )

Common Anglo vs Continental Law 


a relationship between men, a relationship between men and the state.

( … )

Possession, Property, Right, and Title


  1. Opportunity: any interest that Man my wish to acquire through investment that has not yet been invested in by others.
  2. Possession: Possession is a Fact. Possessions are Personally insured. Consisting of that which one has acted to prevent others from consumption or use.
  3. Property: Property is a norm. Property is collectively insured. Consisting of that which evolves as general rules of non imposition between people with similar kinship, interests, or interdependence. Property is that which is insured against non-imposition by a third party organization.
  4. Property Rights: Property Rights are dependent upon the existence of an institution that enforces rights and obligations in matters of disputes.
  5. Title …..

Rights (define)


The Uninsured:

Natural Right: Reciprocity.

Desired Right: A right that you wish to possess if you can find (a) a party to exchange it with you and (b) an enforcer (insurer) of those rights once you negotiated them.

The Self Insured:

Consensual Right: (from promise to formal document)

The Collectively Insured:

Normative Right: (norms, manners, ethics, morals),

The Institutionally Insured (enforceable):

Right (Legal Right) : a contractual obligation by another party to perform some actions, and refrain from other actions

  • Law proper (discovered),
  • Legislation (negotiated),
  • Regulation (issued)
  • Command (commanded)

Enforceable Rights: Enforceable Rights exist only when

  • (a) obtained in contractual exchange, and;
  • (b) are enforceable in matters of dispute by a third party โ€˜insurerโ€™.
  • (c) the insurer being the court, government, police, sheriff, people or other enforcer.

The Institutional Privileges

Artificial Right (or Political Privilege)

  • Negative Right: a contractual obligation by another party to refrain from actions: to forgo opportunities for gains. The only rights we can reciprocally grant each other are negative, because we can only equally possess the ability to refrain from action.
  • Positive Right: a contractual obligation by another party to perform actions: to bear costs, and to forgo opportunity for โ€˜defectionโ€™ (cheating).

The International Ambitions

Human Rights : Those Institutional rights necessary for human freedom from political predation, that any government must seek to produce for its citizens if that government wishes to preserve its sovereignty from actions against it by those signatories of the contract for human rights: the insurers of last resort.

Human rights were an attempt by western nations in the post-colonial and post-war era to set the terms by which governments would respect the sovereignty(esp. borders) of other governments, in an attempt to limit countries to internal development rather than expansionary war; to prevent another world war; to contain the horrors of communism; to contain the horrors of islamism;to prevent the continuing horrors of primitive and developing countries; and to direct the purpose of government exclusively to the improvement of the condition of those under it’s dominion.

Violations of Rights (define common crimes under each)

  • Regulation (specific rules of compliance enforcing general objectives of policy)
  • Infraction (insurer, exporting of risk)
  • Conduct (mis-de-mean’-or, violation of conduct that create or export risk)
  • Free riding (failures of duty and due diligence in all their forms, privatization of commons, socialization of losses.)
  • Hazard (drugs, weapons, explosives, bioweapons, misinformation, untruths.)
  • Parasitism (Fraud, Conspiracy, blackmail)
  • Passion (Defense of honor; Defense of mate, family, kin; Defense of friends/assoc. )
  • Predation (theft, harm, murder for gain)
  • Evil (harm for the purpose of satisfaction by harm alone)
  • Treason (War)

Acting as:

  • individuals
  • conspiracies of intent
  • conspiracies of common interest
  • externalities of insufficient due diligence.

Warranting Severity of Restitution and Punishment as:

  • Misdemeanor (less than one year and less than 1/5 of the median household income)
  • Felony (more than one year and more than 1/5 of the median household income)
  • Capital Crime (death penalty)

Closing (Summary)

There is only one form of rule of law under which no one can override natural rights (transcendence, sovereignty of life, liberty, property,  under reciprocity, truth, duty, and markets.)

Rule by legislation allows either the state, or the body politic to override those rules.

And rule by man allows arbitrary discretion on the part of officials (members of the monopoly bureaucracy).

Rights and Obligations Under The Natural Law of Reciprocity

Regarding Truthful Speech


(market for information)


1. Tautological Truth: That testimony you give when promising the equality of two statements using different terms: A circular definition, a statement of equality or a statement of identity.

2. Analytic Truth: The testimony you give promising the internal consistency of one or more statements used in the construction of a proof in an axiomatic(declarative) system. (a Logical Truth).

3. Ideal Truth: That testimony (description) you would give, if your knowledge (information) was complete, your language was sufficient, stated without error, cleansed of bias, and absent deceit, within the scope of precision limited to the context of the question you wish to answer; and the promise that another possessed of the same knowledge (information), performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony. (Ideal Truth = Perfect Parsimony.)

4. Truthfulness: that testimony (description) you give if your knowledge (information) is incomplete, your language is insufficient, you have performed due diligence in the elimination of error, imaginary content, wishful thinking, bias, fictionalism, and deceit; within the scope of precision limited to the question you wish to answer; and which you warranty to be so; and the promise that another possessed of the knowledge, performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony.

4. Honesty: that testimony (description) you give with full knowledge that knowledge is incomplete, your language is insufficient, but you have not performed due diligence in the elimination of error and bias, but which you warranty is free of deceit; within the scope of precision limited to the question you wish to answer; and the promise that another possess of the same knowledge (information), performing the same due diligence, having the same experiences, would provide the same testimony.

Truthful speech satisfies the Demand for Increasing Infallibility of Decidability:

1. Intelligible: Decidable enough to imagine a conceptual relationship
2. Reasonable: Decidable enough for me to feel confident that my decision will satisfy my needs, and is not a waste of time, energy, resources.
3. Actionable: Decidable enough for me to take actions given time, effort, knowledge, resources.
4. Ethical and Moral: Decidable enough for me to not impose risk or costs upon the interests of others, or cause others to retaliate against me, if they have knowledge of and transparency into my actions.
5. Normative: Decidable enough to resolve a conflict without subjective opinion among my fellow people with similar values.
6. Judicial: Decidable enough to resolve a conflict without subjective opinion across different peoples with different knowledge, comprehension and values.
7. Scientific: Decidable regardless of all opinions or perspectives (โ€˜Trueโ€™)
8. Logical: Decidable out of physical or logical necessity
9. Tautological: Decidedly identical in properties (referents) if not references (terms). So to borrow the one of many terms from Economics, we can see in this series (list) a market demand for increasingly infallible decidability.

The criteria for truthful speech is Coherence across the dimensions testifiable by man:

  1. Categorically Consistent (Non-conflationary, Differences)
  2. Internally Consistent (Logical)
  3. Externally Correspondent (Empirical)
  4. Operationally Consistent (Consisting of Operational Terms that are Repeatable and Testable)
  5. Rational Choice (Consisting of Rational choice, in available time frame)
  6. Reciprocal (Consisting of Reciprocally Rational Choice)
  7. With Stated Limits and Fully Accounted (Defense against cherry picking and inflation)
  8. Warrantied
    1. as having performed due diligence in the above dimensions;
    2. where due diligence is sufficient to satisfy the demand for infallibility;
    3. and where one encourages no risk that one cannot perform restitution for.

As a defense against:

1. Ignorance and Willful Ignorance;
2. Error and failure of Due Diligence;
3. Bias and Wishful Thinking;
4. And the many Deceits of:

(a) Loading and Framing;
(b) Suggestion, Obscurantism, and Overloading and Propaganda;
(c) Fictionalisms of Sophisms, Pseudorationalisms, Pseudoscience, and Supernaturalism;
(d) and outright Fabrications.


1 – No right to Falsehood of any kind shall be permitted for any reason.

( Counsel: While we may not violate an individual’s right to his or her thoughts, we have the obligation to prevent harm by display word and deed that produces evidence of those thoughts in the commons, where demand for desirable falsehoods spreads among those with the least agency to resist them. )

2 – In defense of the Informational Commons, Public Speech in display word and deed, shall be Truthful;

(a) And as such the obligation for coherent, consistent, correspondent, operational, rational, reciprocal, complete, and limited speech shall replace the tolerance for untruthful speech.

(b) And all use of the means of deception, fraud, and informational destruction, we name Fictionalisms are prohibited from public speech, including:

(a) Psychologism and Moralism;
(b) Sophisms, including the techniques of Idealism, Pseudo-rationalism, Pilpul, and Critique;
(c) Super-normalism and Supernaturalism;
(d) Pseudoscience and Magic;

(c) And all Speech and all speech products (display, word, and deed) shall be involuntarily warrantied, as are all other goods, services, and information to be free of harm directly, indirectly, or by accumulated consequence of externality.

3 – The right to be free of Defamation in Speech (libel), Alternates to speech (slander) shall not be infringed; and the obligation that one speak truthfully, and that the person, group, or organization committed a crime punishable under law, shall not be limited.

(a) The offended party need not demonstrate damage. The offending party need demonstrate it is not false.

(b) The practice of “Trial by Media” shall be prohibited.

(Counsel: Having opened the Court to standing in matters of the commons, all disputes public and private can have recourse of action and voice). 

4 – The right to be free of fictionalism, treason, and sedition in arts and letters, shall include;

(a) fiction shall be labeled and structured as a fiction, and obviously so;
(b) dramatization of public figures prohibited;
(c) attempts at creation of a false history (historical fictionalism) shall be prohibited;
(d) casting of the un-heroic as heroic, immoral as moral, and unethical as ethical, shall be prohibited.
(d) casting the the constitution, declaration, western civilization, as unheroic, immoral, or unethical shall be prohibited.

(Counsel: The Abrahamic practice of using the permissiveness of the arts and letters to harm the informational commons by the diminution of our ancestors and heroes shall be prohibited.)

5 – The right to be free of competition to or argument against this constitution, and the duty to prosecute all attempts.

– Regarding Language of Speech – 

( … ) (Differences in language : high precision, low context, the relation to truth and operational speech, the metaphysical content of languages, and the costs of frictions from competing other speech.)

1. The language shall be English and exclusively English in all public speech, including display word and deed, with no accomodation, tolerance or exception.

( Counsel: whereas english is a precise legal and scientific language suitable for operational speech; and whereas the commonality of language reinforces a commonality and subtlety of meaning, and the associated premiums there from, no one has the right to impose costs on that commons we call language by competition. )


-Regarding Privacy-

( … )

-Regarding Interference –

1. The Right of Transit in commercial and public spaces shall not be infringed. Therefore, the obligation to refrain from obstruction of ways, including aisles, paths, roads and their likenesses, in land, water, air, space  shall not be diminished.

-Regarding Association, Disassociation, Exit, and Secession-

1. The right of the people to exit from any political order and its territory without cost or penalty shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: The right of association is meaningless without rights of disassociation (exclusion).  The right of disassociation for any reason whatsoever shall be restored, and no forcible interactions shall be imposed upon people. This ends the forced association of peoples against their will)

2. The right of the people to freedom of association, disassociation, and exit, for any reason, in matters private, commercial, and political shall not be infringed.  The people shall have the right to form gatherings, organizations, enterprises, neighborhoods, regions or realms by any criteria they choose without exception.

3. All members of any organization, whether Religious, Intellectual, Political, Civic, Commercial, or Criminal; and whether formal or informal, shall insure the display, word, and deed of all other members, and shall be be accountable for the display word and deed of all other members in actions of common interests.

(Counsel: The practice of fringe members of any organization to take criminal, unethical, and immoral actions that advance common interests while preserving the activities of the group unchanged, shall end.)

4. The right to be free of harassment shall not be infringed.  Therefore the right of Transit of the Commons shall be granted reciprocally, but no other rights shall exist between one person and another without consent, and all possible rights are prohibited when expressly rejected.  Therefore Stalking, Paparazzi, Protesting, Activism, Journalism, Recruiting, Preaching, Selling, and Begging alike are prohibited.

(Counsel: The courts give us all necessary means of resolution and the tolerance for harassment, particularly of public figures shall be terminated.)

–Regarding Several Property Interests–

( … )

-Regarding Common Property Interests-

1 – The right of Transit, including driving, on existing routes, shall not be infringed for any reason other than for the past imposition on risk of others by means of recklessness, impairment driving, or interference in other’s driving, whether by display, word, or deed.

2 – All laws regarding the use of private and common spaces and all within them shall enumerate which rights are granted and if unenumerated shall be deemed ‘Sacred’; meaning that one has none of the rights listed below, whatsoever.

Those rights shall be:

  • Sacred: no rights.
  • Transit โ€“ passage by walking through 3d space, without mechanical or other aid, limited to what you can carry, on existing paths.
  • Transport – passage of other than body and what you can carry without aid through space, on existing paths.
  • Wander – movement over outside of existing paths.
  • Loiter – Enumerated as ‘Rest’, Sleep, ‘Stay’
  • Congregation – of more than one person.
  • Observation – may observe others, or merely watch where  you ‘re walking – this is to limit both people observing, image capture, and drone activity.
  • Recording – by any means.
  • Display – including dress, appearance, and behavior
  • Sound – other that whispers from one person to another
  • Approach – right of approaching others
  • Greeting – Acknowledgement of one another’s presence.
  • Speech (Word), and shall enumerate to include
  • …. …. …. “Acknowledgement“,
  • …. …. …. “Introduction“,
  • …. …. …. “Conversation“,
  • …. …. …. “Solicitation“, “Begging
  • …. …. …. “Promotion“,
  • …. …. …. “Listed Topics, Listed Prohibited Topics
  • Action  ‘Movement’, ‘Touch’, ‘Play’
  • Usus โ€“ Use: setting up a stall.
  • Fructus โ€“ Fruits: (blackberries, wood, profits)
  • Emancipation โ€“ Emancipation: (sale, transfer)
  • Homestead โ€“ Homesteading: Convert an opportunity into property through bearing a cost of transformation.
  • Abusus โ€“ Abuse: (Consumption, harm or Destruction)

Regarding Artificial Property Interests


The purpose of copyright, trademark, brand, patent, and natural patent is to prevent profit without contribution to research, development, and production – it is a prohibition on free riding.


1 – The purpose of Trademark is the production of a weight and measure, and all such marks shall constitute a weight and measure. As such the right of the people to register trademarks, and prohibit violations of those trademarks shall not be infringed.  The purpose of the practice of “branding” using the full range of visible properties available to man, shall constitute a weight and measure.

2 – The purpose of Copyright is to prevent profit from the productivity of an author in the market for goods, services, and information. Copyright shall be reduced to the Creative Commons that disallows profiting from the distribution of works by others but permits copying for personal and non-commercial use. (Defund Entertainment through elimination of market subsidy via copyright, yet preserve rights of creators from profiting from their efforts without compensation. This shall not be construed beyond the original intent of this clause which is the free distribution of all creative works but the requirement to negotiate compensation from the use of such works for commercial purposes. In other words, a radio station may play music for free and a civic festival show a video for free, but the use of any works in acts of marketing, advertising, or branding, or reproduction for sale require negotiation with the creator.

3 – The purpose of Patents is to subsidize BASIC technological research and investment such that the rewards for basic research are substantive.  Patents are not a vehicle depriving the market of innovations, or depriving the market of goods services or information, or creating rents, but for providing compensation and reward for investment in basic research.  As such, the scope of patents shall be limited to basic research in materials and processes of physical transformation and construction, and in particular neither logical nor aesthetic patents shall be issued. They shall be protected under copyright and trademark.

4 – The purpose of Natural Patents is to provide compensation to individuals for the production of innovation whether by design or accident. A natural patent shall apply to the use of an individual’s genome or any other biological product for commercial use.

5 – The durability of copyright, trademark, brand, patent, and  natural patents:

  • The durability of Copyright shall be the lifetime of the creators and living offspring at the time of production.
  • The durability of trademark shall be the continued production of the good, service, or information plus three years.
  • The durability of a brand shall be the continued production of the good plus three years.
  • The durability of a patent shall be the direct cost of investment times five, the duration of the production, distribution, and sale plus eighteen months.  Patents may be sold, but only for the purpose of production. Patents may not be held either to deny the market, nor to farm the patent for dividends, nor to pursue profit for patent infringement independent of production.
  • The durability of a natural patent shall be the lifetime of the individual, his offspring whether living or yet to be.

-Regarding Borders and Territory-

1. Any aliens who attempt to enter the territory by any means other than those prescribed to Visitors shall be subject to extra-judicial punishment or execution without trial or appeal, by any of the people, at any time, at their sole discretion.

2. Any government unable to contain their people from continuous flight such that they pose border risks to the Territory shall have implicitly declared war, and shall lose rights of sovereignty, reciprocity, rule and governance, and any actions necessary to prevent such continued warfare shall be used to restore borders and order, including conquest, subjugation, and rule.


-Defense of Interests, Rights and Obligations-

1 – The right of Citizens to Keep and Bear Arms with the sole exclusion of explosive frangible weapons with a lateral area-of-effect greater than fifteen feet, chemical weapons of mass harm, and biological weapons of mass harm, shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: the intent of the exclusion of frangible weapons to preserve the right of forward facing explosive ammunition necessary for penetration in current and future conflict, but limit the use of omnidirectional (hand grenades) and self-propelled (rocket, missile) weapons to issue from the armory. ) 

2 – The obligation of all men who are able and citizens between 16 and 65 to keep and bear necessary and sufficient arms and ammunition, and to remain disciplined in their use, and fit to use them in defense of the people and their interests shall not be infringed.

3 – Prohibition on Treason (in display word and deed)

(a) Whoever, owing allegiance to the people and this constitution thereof, assists in war by violence, immigration, conversion, information, or trade or any other means of harm against them or advances the interests of their competitors, giving them information, or aid or comfort within or without, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than one half of the median income; shall be reduced to Resident, shall be incapable of holding any office, or to engage in public speech.

(b) Whoever, owing allegiance to the people and this constitution thereof, and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to a officer of the military, or to a governor or to some judge or justice, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

4 – Rights and Obligations of Sedition

Except in restitution of the terms of this constitution, if two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the political institutions of the people, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.   Conversely, it is the right and obligation of the people, the militia, and the military, to restore this constitution by any and all means possible, save none.

4 – Rights and Obligation of Revolt

Except in restitution of the terms of this constitution, whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the institutions of this constitution, or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Conversely, it is the right and obligation of the people, the militia, and the military, to restore this constitution by any and all means possible, save none.

Extra Judicial Cessation, Restitution, and Punishment

1. The right of the people to Extra-judicial Prosecution and Punishment of perpetrators of repeated crimes of predation, with the presence and consent of no less than twenty five citizens, shall not be infringed.

(i) Whereas the court must prohibit itself and those before it from abuses of procedure and law, which leaves open the possibility of release of the guilty.  Therefore the right of the people to act when due process fails, shall not be infringed.

(ii) Whereas it is in the nature of the people to grant excessive sympathy, the right of the people to hanging of pedophiles and rapists, and to the whipping of scolds shall not be infringed.

4. The right to Stand One’s Ground shall not be infringed.  All men’s intentions shall be taken by their display word and deed, and all threats immediate and actionable.

5. The right of citizens to Castle in one’s Home shall not be infringed with the exceptions of murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking, imminent physical harm, explosives large enough to damage neighbouring property, and other weapons of mass destruction.

( Counsel: Every Sovereign man is his own legislature, but as such, bears the consequences of his own legislation. )

6. The right to Defend Marriage from interference, and  Self, Spouse, Children, Kin, and one’s Private Property from harm and loss shall not be infringed.

(Counsel: Crimes of passion in the face of present evidence are warranted in defense of self, mates, and kin. )

7. The right to demand apology and restitution  (duel) in defense of reputation and honor, to self, mate, family, kin, and nation; to engage hand to hand fighting if unsatisfied; to delay the restitution, or appeal to the People or the Court for satisfaction shall not be infringed.  The obligation to cease upon submission, to refrain from striking when down, and prohibit kicking of the head, shall be preserved; and the violation of this obligation shall be a crime of attempted murder, which may be adjudicated by seconds if present.

(a) In the matter of defense and duel, the right to be free of ir-reciprocity or escalation; and to be free of retaliation against proxies (feud) shall not be infringed.

( Counsel:  —“The Sovereign’s ready answer to ridicule, shaming, rallying, gossiping, scolding, fictionalism and deceit, is violence: the duel.”— )


6 – Title to Property:

– A multiple redundant database shall be created for the registry of titles to interests.

– ( … )

The Courts and Law

(composition of different juries, role of judges, selection of judges)

Regarding Purpose


The purpose of the Law is:

( … ) resolution of differences … decidability rather than subjectivity in matters of dispute.  to define a standard of restitution and punishment … to give license to the exercise of violence (force) to resolve such differences. to prohibit retaliation cycles.

The purpose of the Courts is:

(a) to discover and provide rules and guidelines for successful coexistence, cooperation, and persistence in a polity, using the markets for association, cooperation, production, reproduction, and production of commons;
(b) to resolve disputes by those rules,
(c) to force restitution for violation of those rules,
(d) to prevent further crimes by those who violate them,
(e) to extract the repeatedly uncivil from the society by exile, separation, and if necessary, execution.


Regarding Interpretation

( .. )

Regarding Incrementalism

( … )  The policy of Zero Tolerance.

Regarding Scope


Russia and Iran and China as States, and the Jewish and Muslim peoples as Cults, have ended the peace of Westphalia; and the State and its bureaucracy has evolved to treat other states as clients rather than the people; therefore the people shall be free to use all means civilian, judicial, and military to obtain restitution for crimes against them.


1. The Judicial power of the court shall be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against any individual, organization, or polity. The state shall no longer disintermediate the people from their means of correcting an offense, nor their means of restitution for offenses against their property.

2. The organs of defense, without limit, shall seek to perform such restitution at their discretion, including the costs of their actions in such service from the offending party if foreign; and the militia, sheriffs, and police (if extant), if domestic.

Regarding Specialization (juridical)

( … )

Regarding Enforcement

…..The people, the sheriffs and their deputies, the police, the militia, the military

Regarding The Judges


Regarding the Sheriffs (court independent of govt)

( … )

Regarding the Court ()

2 – All residents regardless of rank, shall have universal standing in matters of the commons, as well as standing in matters private, such that the citizenry may use the courts for the resolution of any dispute whatsoever.

(Counsel: The current disintermediation by the state and bureaucracy in matters of the commons shall be prohibited.)

3 – Whereas insulation from suit has produced abusive ends, all protection from suit for any and all persons shall be prohibited, such that all persons shall be liable for all suits before the court, without exception.

4 – The court shall not allow itself to be used to circumvent the legislative or regulatory process; demonstration of attempt implied or explicit to circumvent the legislative process shall be a substantive defense; Appeals shall demonstrate zero tolerance for circumvention of the legislative processes.

5. The court room shall be Sacred (without rights); and all present dressed, behaved, and spoken  (display word and deed) as befitting the sacred; and enforced by all officers of the court, with little if any tolerance.

6 – The right of the people to juridical defense shall not be infringed. The right of the people to use of their assets shall not be infringed without juridical defense, and the state, as a corporation shall have no greater priority or merit than any other resident’s claim on an individuals interests. No person shall be impoverished or interests harmed as a means of coercion while under juridical defense.

7 – The right of the people to be assumed innocent until proven guilty no matter how trivial the matter, shall not be infringed.

8 – The right of people to be free from entrapment, constructivist prosecution, and inflation of charges, shall not be infringed.

9 – Accidental self incrimination in the reporting of another crime shall only be prosecuted for the crimes of predation, and leniency granted.

10 – The practice of prosecution for non-predatory and non-parasitic crime discovered in the process of investigation of others, shall be prohibited.

11 – The right of the people to be free of double jeopardy shall extend to prohibition on civil suit if cleared of criminal prosecution.

12 – The right of the people to speedy trial shall not be infringed; no individual arrested until the prosecutor prepared for trial; the court commanded to meet market demand for timely due process by increases in staff and facilities, rather than subjecting the people to interference in their daily lives.

(Counsel: the court is a commercial service like any other and shall meet demand, or if failing demand, capacity added by means of competitors.)

13. The right to a trial by jury of one’s peers shall not be infringed; with twelve jurors the presumption, scaling up and down with the severity of the outcome of the matter before the court; but no less than six; Only Citizens, and Peers shall sit a jury; and shall be paid per hour according to their calculated daily income lost.

( Counsel: decrease the pool of jurors to those most able and invested; and compensate them such that they cease to avoid service.)


14 – The ancient right of Trial by Combat with Hand to Hand Weapons shall not be infringed;

(Counsel: Effectively, allows suicide.)

15 – The right of the people to require demonstration of means, motive, opportunity, and intent, shall not be infringed.

16 – The right of the people to confront all participants in the chain of evidence and argument shall not be infringed.

17. The right of the people to be free of false accusation shall not be infringed, and triple restitution as per libel and slander, imposed.

17 – The right of the people to be free from confiscation without due process of law shall be restored and shall not be infringed; and the right of the harmed to sue for restitution upon the assets of those convicted of crime shall not be infringed.

18 – The right of nullification by jury shall not be infringed.

19 – Leniency and reward for truthful testimony in matters of self incrimination shall be required, and punishment for untruthful testimony in matters of self incrimination shall be required; no matter the crime; as insurance against producing incentive to deceive the people.

20 – Whereas frivolity and disproportionality have been endemic in the courts ;

(a) Judges shall be appointed in matters of Tort, and not elected.

(b) Separate specialized Courts shall be provided for, and Judges shall be specially trained in, or recruited from the fields of: Medicine; Legal Practice; Technological and Patent; Banking, Finance and Tax;  Separate courts shall be provided for: suits against the state and state actors; and family.

(c) The court may assess punitive measures for cases of irresponsible frivolity; in particular for grandstanding, and repeated abuses of the court’s time;

(d) The treasury shall finance the court proceedings but the loser shall pay unless the jury deems, and judge agrees, that proportionality due to proportional fault is more suitable in extreme cases.

And; Whereas the treasury shall finance proceedings;

(i) the court has the right to regulate expenditures by any party as it sees fit.

(ii) the practice of compensation of counsel (et al) dependent upon amount of restitution (damages) shall be prohibited, and all compensation limited to time,  materials and reasonable expenses as determined by the court.

21. Economic, Non-Economic and Punitive Damages shall be available to the court where;

1. Economic Damages shall be calculated by common actuarial means, inclusive of lost earnings, income, and benefits, plus any required cost of care if not covered by benefits.

2. Non Economic (or Hedonic) Damages shall be limited to the greater of  the median price of similar primary residences, or the market value of the primary residence at the time of injury, whichever is greater; with the severity of the loss discounted therefrom; with attempts to inflate such values by any means whatsoever, resulting in a halving of those damages.

3. Punitive Damages

i) Punitive damages shall not be imposed unless a pattern of behavior has been established in multiple cases across time, and the behavior has not changed.

ii) Any punitive damages shall be imposed upon the board of directors, and principles, or executive management of the organization, and those in the chain of operations involved in the action, and the insurer – and not passed on to shareholders or customers, nor may claims be made against customers or shareholders.

iii) Such punitive damages shall be paid exclusively to the Treasury for the reduction of debt.

22 – The judge and jury shall be required to avoid ‘favoring the underdog‘, and instead judge the actions by people on the property of people the condition of people performing such actions. The court of appeals shall also do so.

23 – The right of judges and the jury to insulate the defendant from punishment for accidents in the absence of carelessness shall not be infringed.

24 – The right of judges to impose ‘creative‘ punishments the purpose of which is to train the individual to correct his behavior shall not be infringed.

24 – No man shall be punished because of his relative poverty for non-payment of juridical costs. In the choice between producing income, providing food clothing shelter, heat and air conditioning, and even self-medication by legal and illegal means, shall precede the duty of payment of fees.

(Counsel, end administrative punishment of laboring and under classes)

26 – The right to privacy in all court proceedings shall not be infringed.  No one shall have any right to access them other than the judge or the judge or his proxy by inheritance of the chair. As a consequence all divorce proceedings in particular, but all civic conflicts in general, shall require permission of the court.

27 – The right of bankruptcy and ‘starting over’ shall not be infringed, and as such all debts are vacatable, other than that restitution for which one is capable, and in those cases of crimes of predation or recklessness, prison time shall be substituted.  But none shall be prohibited from ‘starting over’.

28 – The right to be forgotten shall not be infringed. This includes any and all data anywhere upon the person other than the records of court proceedings. As a consequence all search data, social media, credit scores, and other information must be deleted within 48 contiguous hours of demand.

Restitution, Punishment, and Exile

1. No one, no group, no institution may take action for which he, they, or all, may not perform restitution and correction in the case of ignorance, error, bias, wishful thinking, or deceit.

  • It is impossible to perfectly anticipate the future, despite due diligence.
  • It is impossible to pay for restitution of life involuntarily taken, except with life.
  • It is impossible to pay restitution for life accidentally taken with more than all reasonable due diligence one has the agency to make use of.
  • It is impossible to pay restitution for the infection of a genetic line except with the sterilization if possible, exit if possible, and extermination if not, of the infected members.
  • It is impossible to pay restitution for infection, harm, or destruction of norms, institutions, culture, and civilization, except with destruction of life, norms, culture, institutions, and civilization.

2. Those individuals with three convictions for crimes of predation and felony shall be sentenced to separation for 25 years.

3. All general Fees and Fines shall be specified and calculated hours of work time in the median income: Median Income divided by 2080 such that they scale with the era, and need not be continuously adjusted.

4. All restitution and fines (punishments) not specified herein, shall be at the discretion of the court, and sufficient to prohibit repeat of the behavior.

5. The right of the people to impose: capital punishment by hanging, or exile (deportation, even of residents, citizens and peers);  or ostracization (isolation camps, work camps, or prisons); or territorial prohibitions of any sort; or physical punishment by lashing;  or restitutions, fines, and demands of service, shall not be infringed.

6. The court and the people shall make full use of no less than:

  • Public Service
  • Fines
  • Restitution
  • Punishment
  • House Arrest and Sentence (bound to their homes).
  • Exile both temporary and permanent.
  • Exile to military and civil legion.
  • Ghettos: enclosed, self sustaining neighborhoods, villages, towns, or cities which serve to permanently separate the uncivil from the civil.
  • Work Camps: enclosed, self sustaining collections of barracks, farms, workshops, and territorial labor, under military discipline, and ‘re-education’ programs.
  • Working Prisons.
  • Solitary Confinement (isolation).
  • Execution

2. Individuals may permanently self-encarcerate in Military and Civil Legions, Ghettos, Work Camps, and Working Prisons, at any time if they deem themselves unfit for civil (market) participation.  Ghettos may self govern within the limits established by policy and courts. And all attempts to make the forms of incarceration (separation) self sustaining shall be made.

3. Incarcerated individuals have the right of separatism from non-kin. As such, groups shall be organized by race and by class if sufficient numbers.


The People


There exist only two human sexes: male and female, and they are genetically determined and the determination decidable independent of opinion or preference. There exist defects of birth. There exist defects of development. There exist defects of mind. There exist defects of choice. There exists choice of preference. But there exist only two sexes.

(Counsel: Instance of “No Right To Falsehood”.)


1. Human, Mankind, Man, and People shall refer to all humans of either sex.  Man, Men, Male, and Boy refer to the Male sex, and Woman, Women, Female, and Girl, shall refer to the Female sex. Whether the term Man refers to both sexes or only the male sex shall be determined by context of use.

2. Use of “People” shall refer to all those under protection of the Courts regardless of rank.

-Refuge, Asylum, Migration, Immigration, and Exit-.

1. All people shall have the right of exit assuming they take the liability of their debts with them.

2. No one shall have the right of Refuge, Asylum, or Immigration are all three are specifically prohibited as involuntary impositions of costs upon the capital in toto of the polity.

-Immigration, Visitation, Residency, and Citizenship-


earning via competency in individual self support, family, business, polity,


Visitation (Visitor). Visitation can be sought for the purpose of tourism, commerce, and the meeting of friends and family, by obtaining a Visitor Visa. Visas shall be granted upon request of a citizen. Visitation shall require an insurer who can and does take financial liability for food, clothing, shelter, expenses, and health, and criminal actions – and will forcibly return visitors at the end of their stay. Visitation shall provide protection of the courts. Visitation shall be separated from Residency.  Visitation shall be separated from Residency.

Residency (Resident) shall provide additional rights of redistribution of income at the age of maturity, and services of the state as the insurer of last resort.  Residency requires near native use of the language of the polity, conformity to dress, manners, ethics, morals, laws, customs, traditions, institutions, and if extant, religion. Residency shall be separated from citizenship. Residency shall be inherited by blood.

Military, Emergency Services, Hospitaliers, Residents shall be obligated to Military Service, shall Retain Rank as Title during and after completion of service.

Citizenship (Citizen) shall provide the additional rights of marriage, public speech, ownership of property, rights of reproduction in exchange for the caretaking of the commons,  service on the jury, in the hospitaliers, the emergency services, the military service, and the militia. Only Residents shall be granted Citizenship. Citizenship is not inherited. Citizenship cannot be revoked, abandoned or otherwise lost for other than treason.

(Counsel: Everyone owns an interest in the commons and an obligation to maintain it).

Peerage (Peer) shall provide the additional right of suffrage. Only Citizens shall be granted the Peerage. Peerage is not inherited. Peerage cannot be revoked, abandoned or otherwise lost.  Citizens may obtain the peerage by fulfilling the requirements for marriage, three or more children, and ownership of real property, and continuous full time employment of ten or more people who are not near relations.


Knight of Arts and Letters (Sir, Lady) shall provide right to title as reward for extraordinary lifetime contribution to the arts, letters, sciences; as well as citizenship worthy of imitation; and not laxity of such criteria shall not be abused.

Nobility (Sir, Lady) shall provide right to title as reward of status for successful production of four or more generations of intergenerational families, producing continuous rewards for the people by payment of taxes, contribution to commons or charity.   This title will endure and be inherited for three generations, and then expire unless continuing contributions are made; at such time the durability will be reset, and the cycle repeated.  Only peers may be granted the title of Nobility.


  • Age Ten for Right to Work for Compensation.
  • Age Fourteen for Right to Apply for Service.
  • Age Eighteen for Right to Apply for Citizenship.
  • Age Thirty for Right to apply for Peerage.
  • Age Forty to apply for Nobility if offered.
  • Age Fifty to hold Office as Governor or Senator


The State

The Purpose of the State

The state exists as a corporation holding the interests of the shareholders we call citizens, and their dependents, whom we call the people, with a shareholder agreement we call a constitution, that is insured by the military, the militia, the people, and the courts, and operated in the people’s interests by professional managers according to that constitution.

Regarding Territories

1. All peoples of all territories have the right to self determination in the production of those commons best suited to their interests.

(a) Any territory of that today called Canada may join these states if in the intersets of the people of that territory should they fully conform to this constitution.
(b) Any territory of that today called Mexico may join these states if in the interests of the people of that territory, should they fully conform to this constitution.

(thousand nations bloom here….)

2. Those Cities and their principles that have acted to assist in the invasion of the continent have by demonstrated action, seceded from the union against the interests of the people and shall be involuntarily converted to independent states:

  • New York, Long Island-Newark, Jersey City,
  • Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim.
  • Dallas Forth, Worth, Arlington.
  • Miami, Ft.Lauderdale, West Palm Beach.
  • Chicago, Naperville, Elgin.
  • Washington, Arlington, Alexandria.
  • Atlanta, Sandy Springs, Roswell.
  • Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale.
  • Riverside, San Bernardino, Ontario.
  • San Francisco, Oakland, Hayward
  • Boston, Cambridge, Newton.
  • San Diego, Carlsbad.
  • Las Vegas, Henderson, Paradise.
  • Philadelphia, Camden, Wilmington.
  • Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond.
  • Denver, Aurora, Lakewood.
  • San Jose, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara.
  • Orlando Kissimee Sanford
  • Austin, Round Walk


1. Unless Accepted as Gift to the British Crown;

1. Puerto Rico is involuntarily granted permanent irreversible independence; with the warning that foreign military presence will be considered an act of war.

2. The US Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands) is involuntarily granted permanent irreversible independence; with the warning that foreign military presence will be considered an act of war.

3. Guam is involuntarily granted permanent irreversible independence. With the warning that foreign military presence will be considered an act of war.

4. American Samoa (Samoa) is involuntarily granted permanent irreversible independence; with the warning that foreign military presence will be considered an act of war.

5. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is involuntarily granted permanent irreversible independence; with the warning that foreign military presence will be considered an act of war.

Regarding the Military



  1. The Military shall consist of the Standing Military Branches, The Reserves, The Regiments, the Militia, and those civilians engaged in the production of weapons munitions, and supplies.
  2. The Militia shall consist of  all able bodied men from fourteen to seventy. The Military shall train and equip the Militia such that they can continuously deny territorial occupation to all competitors for as long as a generation.
  3. The governors of the states may call up the Regiments and Militia for defense or other emergencies, within, across, or between states; The military may only override a governor to call all militia from all States for shared territorial defense.
  4. The government shall have no influence over the constitution, operations, practices, procedures, rules or actions of the military; other than license to wars of offense; and shall be limited to the selection of the most senior individual in each branch; and limited to rectification of disputes by the court.
  5. The peace of Westphalia was ended by Russia, Iran, and Islamists, and as such the military is free to conduct operations against not only state actors, but non-state actors, including but not limited to militias, religions, political movements, organized crime, business interests, public intellectuals, politicians, and individuals in furtherance of defense of the people and their interests from aggressors against them, without limit to technique or method.


1 – Remove military dependence upon electrical and data grids, and dependence on satellites for communications, navigation, and targeting. The military must be able to fight successfully with total loss of civilian infrastructure.

2 – Restructure military for domestic defense, and long distance projection of force by automation; continued projection of extra terrestrial space force, blue sky air force,  blue water navy – albeit without dependence upon fragile forms of ship; and terrestrial army; continue aggressive research and development; the ability to insert forces anywhere on earth quickly to protect citizens and their assets and interests; and to punish acts of aggression against our people, territory, assets, trade routes, and allies. But acts of political construction and policing are prohibited.  Therefore seek to punish and obtain restitution, not, police, govern, or control.

3 – Invest in, or obtain a controlling interest in, those organizations necessary for the production of the supply chain of weapons and components such that the military is no longer dependent on a fragile production system vulnerable to market variation.

Regarding Treaties and Foreign Relations

1. Whereas the state has sought to circumvent this constitution by treaty; Therefore, no treaty nor its terms may circumvent any part of this constitution directly, indirectly, or by practical consequence. The practice of attempting to circumvent the constitution by means of Treaty shall be prohibited and prosecuted as an act of Treason.


1. Whereas The United Nations has evolved into a hostile foreign power, and center of espionage; Therefore it shall be removed from the territory, funding terminated, and participation prohibited.

2. Whereas the World Court has evolved into a hostile power; Therefore, all treaty, participation, and funding shall be terminated, and hostility to its actions and existence pursued.

3. Whereas the natural law is the only rational means for the avoidance of war and conquest;

Therefore, the people shall always and everywhere seek to produce a balance of powers between the civilizations, so that man’s natural envy, and preference for parasitism over production, is prohibited from imposition of costs upon others.

4. Whereas the people have common genetic and cultural assets that have produced demonstrably superior results for our people;

Therefore, a continuous attempt to restore the empire of the English speaking peoples of Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and all others elsewhere, to a civilizational, cultural, military, and trade order, with the Monarchy as judge of last resort between our peoples, as defense against conquest by the globalist, south american, european, russian, islamic-jewish, east asian, civilizations shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

5. Whereas the Anglo American Imperial effort to constrain Germanic civilization, its intellectual, cultural, scientific and technological achievements; its defense of its people; and its resistance to Russian and Communist expansion; was the cause of the great european civil wars; and whereas in retrospect the German people were justified in both wars; and whereas the the continued occupation of the european continent has both fostered dependence on our military and economy, and promoted her pursuit of internally harmful policies, culminating in demographic collapse; our military shall withdraw from the european continent and foster europe’s restoration to self sufficiency.

7. Whereas the people of Mexico are unable to produce a sufficient political and economic order to prevent continuous flight, nor resist transit through their territory by those in flight, and therefore have produced an act of war against our people through immigration and demographic and cultural replacement. Therefore the reciprocal right of the mexican people to self governance shall be denied, and unlimited warfare against them until they refrain.  The A wall against them shall be built; her people forcibly repatriated, or summarily executed under Extra Judicial enforcement; And if necessary, military rule imposed until their hostilities by immigration ended.

6. Whereas all people of genetic and cultural heritage, particularly those under threat of conquest, shall be free to exercise their self determination;

Therefore, a continuous attempt to construct the intermarium in eastern europe consisting of any members of the set Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Former Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia against the folly of the Germanics, and the aggression of the Russians shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

7. Whereas the Russian Attempt to restore orthodox civilization from conquest and oppression by the Turks and Muslims was thwarted by the Europeans;

Therefore a continuous attempt to assist Russia in the restoration orthodox civilization to old europe (the balkans); to the Bosporus including the retaking of Constantinople; to the Caucuses, and to hold Siberia, but prohibit her incursion into the Intermarium or Germania, or China shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

8. Whereas our people have different distributions and needs, but we all must pay the cost of our own domestication without exporting that cost upon others;

Therefore, a continuous attempt to limit Africa to Africans, Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand to Europeans, India to Indians,  South America to the hispano-indians, the Levant to Semites, India to Indians, East Asia for the east asians;  and the same to all others not listed, shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

9. Whereas Jews and Muslims have destroyed the great civilizations of the ancient world; Have brought about the Abrahamic Dark Ages; Have invented the world’s greatest deceits; have cause the world greatest murder; Have prosecuted crimes against the people of the west continuously; have conspired to reduce the west to yet another authoritarian monopoly doctrine whether Jewish and pseudoscientific or sophist, or muslim and supernatural; have failed to acknowledge the justness of their prosecutions and expulsions; have failed to reform, and failed to self-police their members; and because they place their law above the natural law; and because their law is irreciprocal and incommensurable with the natural law;


A continuous attempt to limit Judaism and Islam (ethnic semites and religious practitioners) to the middle east, to restore north african civilization, and to eliminate both Islam and Judaism from all other regions; and to assist other nations in their elimination from all other regions, shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

A continuous attempt to repair the damage of the european colonization of the Ottoman empire, by the formation of new nation (tribal) states, shall be pursued with vigor and never abandoned.

All jews and muslims (both ethnic semites and religious practitioners) in western civilization shall be taxed 30% of their income; prohibited from benefits; prohibited from enfranchisement; prohibited from public speech; prohibited from ownership of property; prohibited from the collection of income on rent and lease; prohibited from practice of law; prohibited from practice of borrowing and lending;  prohibited from business license; all religious buildings shall be seized, torn down, and land sold at auction; all arts and letters removed from sale or distribution; all symbolism and evidence of their existence removed from public spaces.

No islamic order shall be permitted nuclear weapons, and any that have them defeated and weapons disposed of.

10. Whereas the invasion of our civilization has been a threat for 1900 years, and the Chinese have managed to avoid that threat through isolation;

Therefore, the people shall build and maintain a fortress wall under Hadrian and China’s model to forever bar the barbarians; and kill all who cross it without exception. Christendom shall be walled against her permanent enemies.

All those not ethnically (genetically) european, regardless of condition shall be repatriated either voluntarily or by force to their nations and civilizations of ancestry or origin, and any resistance to repatriation an act of war.

All Attempts shall be made to engage in treaty of cooperation with other nations to bring this condition into being.

–Regarding the Treasury–

( … )

–Regarding Money–

( … )

The Government

The Purpose of Government

1. Production of Commons

  • Insurer of Last Resort
  • Treasury for the Facilitation of invention, investment, production distribution and trade.

2. The Purpose of Commons (Policy)

  • The objective of law is the behavior of the individual, but the objective of policy is success of the intergenerational family, and not the individual.

3. The Hierarchy of Commons
(local, positive, normative and institutional, to universal negative and juridical., such that the federal, regional, state, local, neighborhood and village produce the commons suitable to their abilities and needs, and ameliorate their differences through access to markets and trade.

  • ( … )



Direct Equalitarian Democracy (Democracy)
Direct Meritocratic Democracy (earn it)
Direct Economic Democracy (spend it)

Direct Jury (Lottery) Democracy
Representational Class Democracy
Representational Oligarchical Democracy (Governors)

Classical Constitutional Monarchy
Classical Monarchy
Republic (Oligarchy)

1. The House of Representatives shall be disbanded and prohibited.

2. The Senate shall be disbanded, and reconstituted, consisting of the sitting governors of the states – one from each.

3. The governor shall refer to the highest executive office in the state, but in capacity as Senator shall be addressed either “Senator or Governor” regardless of local title.

4. If elected, those governors may only be elected by citizens of fourth generation or more, possessed of residential property, and free of crime of predation.

5. The senate may construct:

  • Voluntary Contracts: Between Signatory States.
  • Legislative Contracts: Between All States.

The federal government may construct legislative contracts, and voluntary contracts, but make no law. The making of law is reserved for the states, and the discovery of findings of law by the courts.  All Legislative contracts shall consist of a contract between all the states on behalf of the citizenry. All Voluntary Contracts shall consist of a contract between the signatory states on behalf of the citizenry.

6. Assent

1. All voluntary contracts between states shall ascend upon signature of the governors of the consenting states.

(Counsel: States can conduct negotiations and construct agreements that are enforceable by the Court.)

2. All Legislative Contracts shall require a supermajority vote, from sufficient states to also constitute a supermajority of territory and a supermajority of population.

3. All Legislative Contracts shall require survival of veto by the Supreme Court on terms of constitutionality, although the court may choose or not choose to comment or advise, and the courts action to veto or not carry no weight on future findings of law by the court.

4. Conditionally:

Whereas the people are prone to follies which time does not forgive;
If Monarchy exists under the constitution then the Monarchy may veto on any grounds no matter how arbitrary, at any time after passage, in defense of the polity from the fashions and follies of the day.

8. All Contracts between the States whether Voluntary or Legislation shall be limited to matters of  trade, taxation,  insurance, and defense, and may not address etiquette, manners, behavior, norm, custom, tradition, education, or function of the member states, as all such rights are reserved for the states and states alone.

9. All Amendments to the constitution shall be likewise limited to and prohibited from, the same matters as all Legislation above; must survive approval from two thirds of the states, constituting two thirds of the territory, and two thirds of the population.

7. All Contracts, including Legislation, shall sunset no later than one half of one average human lifetime from the date of passage; unless revised and renewed as new contract or legislation.

9. All states may and must compete for talent, research, development, production and trade. But no state or alliance of states shall seek to deprive other states of territory, population, trade, wealth, alliances, or relations other than by market competition.

10. The only purpose of the government shall consist of exclusively seek the preservation and improvement of the condition of the people of the state and no purpose external state shall be proposed, considered, or acted upon.

(Counsel: globalism, and other ideologies contrary to Strategy are prohibited.)

11. Prohibition on “Pooling and Laundering” into a common fund, over which there is discretionary use. All income shall be allocated to a function and when that function or paid for the fees or taxes shall be immediately terminated.

(Counsel: A prohibition on discretionary use of funds.)

15. All ideology shall be limited to activity within the states. No parties or the equivalent of parties may exist, participate in, seek or engage in influence of the Senate. Any attempt to organize the Senate for the purpose of any objective than purely empirical production of voluntary and involuntary contracts of legislation on matters limited by this constitution shall be an act of treason and punishable by death.

(Counsel: the matter of political orders is settled. The only opposition to voluntary reciprocal exchange is the justification of free riding, parasitism, and predation upon one group by another group. Therefore the only possible means of obtaining a desired end is not to argue for a fictional good at the expense of others, but to produce a trade that is mutually beneficial and voluntarily chosen. )

16. Any advocacy, or attempt, to circumvent the original intent, and spirit of this constitution shall constitute an act of treason punishable by death.



1. All non-military government pensions shall be terminated as punishment for extractive parasitism upon the people.

2. The departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, shall immediately be terminated, and any resistance punishable as act of treason against the people.

3. Intelligence and State shall be added to the Department of Defense. And defense shall terminate all functions of those bureaucracies not central to military, intelligence, state, and trade-commerce. The marines shall move to peerage with the other services.

Regarding Infrastructure

1. The prohibition on Rents shall not be diluted, and the rights of Transit and Transport shall not be infringed; and therefore no tolls, or fees, or taxes shall be charged for the passage of transport between or across states for the purpose of transit, defense or trade; except that passage of that which exposes the people to environmental risk and is closed to restitution, may be regulated as necessary to minimize harm.

2. Those Ways and Routes that exist at the time of ratification may be altered to limit congestion, and may be increased in number; but may not be diminished  or eliminated without act of Legislation by the Senate.  No state shall use constrain ways and routes to  exert influence over the actions of another state.  The Senate may act to improve any existing Way or Route by means of Legislation at its discretion.

3. All public buildings regardless of use shall be constructed as monuments from hand laid materials such as brick, stone, mortar, wood, iron, steel, brass, and plaster with prewar methods of construction; with pitched roofs; with ceilings no less than nine feet; and where all postwar techniques, including panel products shall be prohibited; with construction labor provided those with civic duty to work in exchange for benefits. The practice of producing disposable civic structures shall end. The practice of war, postwar and modern architecture of the bauhaus, communist, brutalist methods shall be prohibited.

( Counsel: The tendency of civil servants to seek discounts on the production commons as means of increasing their privatization of commons shall end.)


1 – Quadruple the number of, or capacity of existing nuclear reactors.

2 – Construct a new electric and data grid, eliminating the existing fragility and subsequent cascading of failure.

3 – Continue extraordinary investment into electric vehicles until our streets are quiet again, and robotic cars drive us from place to place.

4 – Public transportation creates opportunity for disease transmission and exposure to crime. All efforts shall be made to provide clean isolated spaces for each individual, maximum air filtration, and zero tolerance for anything other than civic behavior: clean, dressed for the commons, quiet, and still.  Ill citizens shall avoid public transport, wear masks, and gloves. The citizenry shall police this behavior, and if necessary civil enforcement shall be allocated to do so.

5 – All carriers whether solid (such as wire or fiber) or container( such as pipe) shall be placed underground to limit the visual noise and territorial hazard of poles and other structures, except where distance prohibits due to capacitance effects. Except for long distance and high voltage lines, all suburban, urban lines shall be underground.

Regarding Public Services.


The tendency of monopoly bureaucracy is self interest, limited effort, the illusion of self import, due to insulation from competition, and ever increasing accumulation of rents, all at the expense of the people;


1. All public services shall be delegated to private contractors, such that bureaucracies are eliminated, and the ‘favor economy’ of bureaucrats and politicians is deprived of opportunity.

2. All public services shall remain open for business from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, so that the public need not refrain from working in order to obtain services or comply with regulations.

3. All public services shall staff such that the maximum waiting time for any resident or citizen is twenty minutes.  All individuals appearing and waiting for service must be clean, dressed appropriately, quiet, still, and if ill, wearing face and hand coverings.

4. All public service employees shall be accountable for the truthfulness of their speech and the right of the people to compel truthful speech shall not be infringed. Right of accurate speech shall not be infringed, and the people compensated for any inaccurate speech.

5. Personal transportation taxes and fees shall be terminated and the people’s freedom from imposition of costs upon their transportation shall be ended. Meaning all drivers license and car registration fees will be prohibited except payment for the original. Citizens shall be responsible for keeping their licenses in good condition, photograph or to pay for a replacement.

6. Personal no-fault insurance shall be required for drivers of vehicles open to harm.

7. Driver’s licenses shall be granted by the insurer for life until the age of 65 at which we require fitness tests by the insurer every two years to continue driving; and must have the photo (if required) renewed every ten years so that they are identifiable.

(a) Drivers licenses are not a valid form of id. Only residency identification for each class of attainment.

8. At birth, or upon request any time thereafter, all Residents shall be given a durable passport, a residency identification; benefit accounts, and instrument of access to those accounts.

Regarding The Police  (government rather than courts) (see sheriffs under court)

(civil responsibility for most policing, police as emergency services)

Regarding The Corporation

( … )

end shareholder as owner myth

end asymmetric liquidity

limited liability equality, with the only difference being allocation of decidability.

Regarding Commerce and Consumer Protection

1. All consumer credit shall be issued by the treasury according to actuarial statistics and all debt regulated by the treasury, thereby depriving organizations of profiting from the moral hazard of credit issuance, debt exposure, and exacerbation of the business cycle.

(a) “Financial Advisors” that have passed the ‘Series Seven’ or equivalent tests may act as personal bankers, accountants, tax representatives, and counselors for the people, and shall be carry insurance against malfeasance, by personal warranty of the credit capacity of individual customers.

(Counsel:  Lending shall be Professionalized as we have Medicine, Law, Investment, and Accounting, and therefore direct individual liability for credit capacity of individual people, and to eliminate the industrialization of consumer banking at risk to the commons. Note that it is clear that it is not possible to honestly price collateral, and that risk is continuously transferred to the commons by originators of loans. As such, just as loss of license for doctors, lawyers, cpa’s and series seven holders has proven a sufficient threat to insure relative adherence to rules, regulations, and law – particularly when third party insurance is required.)

2. Originator of loans (credit) of any kind may not transfer such loans, or responsibility for administering and servicing those loans, although they may sell interests (revenue interest, including fractional interests) in those loans or sets of loans, and therefore retain liability for those loans, the management of those loans, and the testimony given in production and management of those loans of those loans.

3. The Court shall operate under the presumption of “Lender Beware“, and that unless the court finds incentive to defraud, that a lender bears the majority of the responsibility for issuing credit to individuals who then through impulse, circumstance, or emergency are incapable of paying without a cascade of further disruptions.

(a) The court’s purpose is to maintain a going concern whether it be individual, family, organization, or state, regardless of the interests of the lender.

(b) Debt Collection may not be assigned or sold and shall be carried by the creditor.

(c) The Court shall only consider claims of any creditor in light of all other creditors whether others place claims before the court or not; The practice of the court granting priority to the claims of any creditor brought before the court without consideration of all other creditors shall cease.

( Note: The first come first serve method by which the court imposes judgements disproportionately rewards one creditor at the expense of all others, and causes cascade effects on the entirety of creditors as well as the individuals capacity to repay them.)

(d) All claims are limited to the original amount of the debt, free of interest, fees, or penalties.

(e) The court’s concern shall be whether the individual has misrepresented his financial condition, is diverting income to entertainment or self medication rather than to debts, or demonstrates abandonment of ordinary efforts to obtain income; all of which are acts of fraud. Or whether the individual has misjudged his debt capacity, or has experienced a shock to or loss of income which are merely accidents, over which the lender did not exercise sufficient risk estimation; in which case resources necessary for the production of income may not be repossessed – including but not limited to vehicles, equipment, devices, and tools.

3. All assets and collateral shall be assessed at urgent liquidation value under conditions of insolvency, as this is the only measure of the market value of resold goods.

4. Reputation

(b) Social and Search – right to be forgotten.

5. Any individual is fully accountable for his speech on behalf of the organization, and every individual speaking to customers must be bonded (insured) for truthful speech.  All customers have the right to record all such conversations, as long as they record the entirety, such that context is provided.

(Counsel: This will drive up the customer service cost and quality and is necessary for the suppression of organizational deception in the market.)

6. Any individual in the chain of operations is accountable to the customer for his actions, and if any crime is committed at any point is liable for that crime. And all such individuals must be bonded (insured).

(Counsel: No immunity from organizational direction, incentive, policy, protocol or method.)

7. Any individual with responsibility for interaction with a customer or potential customer with whom they are conducting or have conducted any form of business:

  • Must have full capability and authority to resolve the problem or conflict.
  • Must speak with native levels of language, pronunciation, diction, and comprehension.

(Counsel: defense of consumer time; expansion of support labor force; denial of discounted immigrant or overseas labor relies on the frustration of consumers to limit commercial and governmental accountability.)

8. All goods shall conform to the “right of repair“, in that they shall be constructed such that repair is possible by third parties.

(Counsel: This will increase the cost of goods in exchange for the durability of goods).

9. All goods shall carry a warranty of repair of no less than four years and all repairs shall be performed and returned within 14 days.  All machinery and appliances shall carry a warranty of repair of no less than ten years, and all repairs shall be performed within 14 days.

(Counsel: push competitive regression to the bottom out of the market, and end disposability of goods.)

10. Regarding software and its equivalent:

(a) All software or its equivalent that is no longer maintained, supported, or sold, shall be immediately released under creative commons.

(b) All software or it’s equivalent shall consist of a limited license in perpetuity on the use of the product as intended; and the practice of issuing licenses that expire shall be prohibited. In the case of hosted software, while new data may not be created access to use of existing data and functionality shall not be diminished.

(Counsel: Protections do not extend to the deprivation of product to market, or the force of coercive upgrades. This is extends the right to repair from hardware to software. )

11. The creators of information have ownership of that information and their right to that information, and their limits on use of that information shall not be infringed. Data may not be destroyed, only sequestered, and must be available for immediate retrieval at the consumer’s discretion.

12. Prohibited Tactics:

  • The tactics of Churning Customers, Hazard Contract; Forcible Bundling, Entrapment Clauses, and Punishment Fees shall be prohibited, and a fine of one quarter of the median income per action shall be imposed.
  • Solicitation by Mail, Phone, Data, Email, Text, Shall be prohibited, and a fine of one quarter of the median income per contact shall be imposed.
  • The practice of promoting discounts on undiscounted goods, services, and information shall be prohibited, and a fine of one quarter of the median income per product, good or service shall be imposed.
  • The practice of haggling on market goods, services, and information, shall be prohibited; any good shall be priced, and that price accepted or not by either party, but not altered by request. A fine of one thousand times the highest price of the good shall be charged for each item.
  • The practice of ‘gouging’ shall be prohibited. It is a violation of reciprocity to profit from civil emergency. The fine shall be one thousand times the price charged for each item.
  • The practice of billing or invoicing a customer
  • The practice of sending false bills, invoices, or simili thereof shall  deprive one of all Benefits, and subject the offender to a separation or exile at the court’s discretion.
  • The practice of the most limited theft of identity shall deprive one of all Benefits, and subject the offender to a form of separation or exile at the court’s discretion.

13. One may claim debt for loss of an interest itself but not loss of opportunity. As such, lost opportunity for interest on loans paid early, loss of lease and rental income, shall not be considered loss by the court, only loss of opportunity.

Regarding the Media


( … )


1. Any platform that does not require user fees of at least the median income, divided by two thousand and eighty (2080) times eight (8), per year, shall be considered a commons, may not censor speech, and must provide perfect reciprocity, particularly in the debate between those who advocate equality and proportionality at the cost of reciprocity and those who advocate reciprocity  and proportionality at the cost of equality. This means that threats of crimes of predation are irreciprocal. Conspiracies to commit crimes of predation are irreciprocal.  But debates between the strategies are not irreciprocal.  The courts shall maintain that the only natural law of cooperation is reciprocity, but that it is rational for the dependent to argue for certain redistributions in exchange for consideration, which will in general consist of behavioral constraints.

2. All user created data remains the eternal unexceptional non transferable, non assignable, property of the user. No information generated by the user, may be destroyed, or inaccessible to the user.

3. All territorial promotion, marketing, advertising other than appropriate signage for a physical, commercial, location shall be prohibited. (end billboards etc). The practice of using public spaces and transport shall be prohibited. The right of the people to be free of commercial noise shall not be infringed. (No longer necessary given digital information availability).

Regarding Zoning

(cities for families)

Regarding Work

1. Any work that can be done domestically shall be done domestically, with the sole provision of unbridgeable differences in technical competency; and differences local prices of labor ameliorated in trade policy. Those industries that require capital investment to produce local returns shall be. The practice of exporting skill and knowledge in exchange for discounted pricing on consumer goods shall be ended.

Regarding Calendars

(a) The Year

(b) Holidays

Holidays shall

The state shall recognize Pre-Christian Traditional, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant holidays as well as secular days of remembrance, but no other. The communist holidays are prohibited, as are other religions.

Spring Day (Imbolc), February 1
Lady Day (Spring Equinox). ~March 20th
Easter (Ostara), Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday. (W)
May Day (Beltane): May 1
Memorial Day Weekend: Last Monday in May. (W)
Midsummer (Summer Solstice), June 21
Independence Day Weekend, July 4 (W)
Harvest Day (Lammas, Lunasa), August 1
Labor Day Weekend: First Monday in September. (W)
Fall Solstice , September 21 (1)
Halloween (Samhain), October 31, and November 1st (2)
Thanksgiving Feast Weekend, Third Thursday in November and the following Friday. (W)
St Nicholas Day, December 15th
Winter Solstice Day, December 21st
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, St Stephen’s Day, and New Year: January 1, 2.
Yule: December 24 Noon, to January 5.
Orthodox Christmas, January 7,8.

Regarding Business and Accounting

(cash, ebitda, etc)

(depreciate at company liquidation value)

Regarding Taxation



1. No taxes, fees, regulations or other encumbrances shall be imposed upon the transfer of assets between members of a family by one generation in any direction. Inheritance taxes in all their forms shall be prohibited. The right to families to accumulate and transfer wealth in all its forms between generations shall not be infringed.

2. Any tax on income directly or indirectly shall be apportioned by population density, with more dense higher, and less dense lower, in accordance with the decrease in opportunity costs as population density increases. The practice of penalizing those who are responsible for greater territorial commons per capita shall be prohibited.

3. Where as Market Participation is more burdensome than Employment:

(a) In compensation for the self sufficiency, overhead, physical risk, and accumulated physical harms, in the conduct of the trades, and so that such men may limit their physical working life before incapacity arrives, all taxes on income up to the median, generated by the men in the physical trades (construction) shall be added to their retirement and health accounts in addition to whatever provisions are provided by Redistributive Benefits.

(b) All sole proprietors, with income up to the one and a half times the median, shall receive a twenty percent discount on their income taxes as compensation for their risk and burden.

(c) All privately held corporations owned entirely by active principles who have encumbered their personal assets to obtain business credit, shall receive a twenty percent discount on all taxes on income up to two and a half times the median income as compensation for their risk and burden.

4. Taxes or fees on Capital Gains from investment sources other than the sale of a primary residence shall be permitted, but all dividends from stock or equivalent shall be paid either by the individual receiving them, or the corporation issuing them, but not both.

(Suggestion to the Governors: Given the behavior of late 20th and 21st C corporation, eliminating taxes on received Dividends is preferable when possible – although discretion necessary given variation in policy.)




1 – End employment taxation on the laboring classes.

2 – End taxation on sole proprietorships of craftsmen and laborers up to the median income.

3 – End consumer interest on capital purchases (appliances good for 10y+, Homes, Condos) for personal use.

4 – End all taxation on home use of data, electricity, and fuel for non-commercial purposes.

5 – End coercive collective bargaining – restore the market for labor, right to work universally.

6 – End all back tax liability and provide a fresh start.

7 – Allow use of paid taxes as an account without concern for rollover or loss.

Regarding Redistribution



1 – Nationalize Mastercard by purchasing a controlling interest, and issue one card to each citizen over the age of maturity.

2 – Bypass the financial sector when creating liquidity (monetary policy) by direct credit of citizen accounts.

3 – Provide 20% of median income (~12k in current dollars) to all citizens of age of majority, as direct quarterly distribution to said accounts.

4 – These accounts many not be promised or attached in any way for any reason, whatsoever, by any creditor, directly or indirectly as they are for the purpose of insuring the rest of the polity against the poverty of others.

Regarding Mandatory Savings 


1 – All income deposited in such accounts up to a total of five times the median income shall be tax free.

2 – After the retirement account is five times the median income, deposits are no longer necessary.

Regarding Mandatory Work


( … )


1 –  No one shall receive Redistributive Benefits without work.

2 – Redistributive Benefits can be lost (denied and permanently denied) by anti-social behavior either by not performing work, performing it consistently poorly, or annoying or creating conflict with coworkers.


1 – Work shall be provisioned primarily to the maintenance and  improvement of the commons – from cleaning, to patrolling, to assisting in the orderliness of the people in the commons, to groundskeeping, to maintenance and construction of the physical plant (buildings roads etc).

2 – The people can find work online notification, and application.

Regarding Interpersonal Relations;

( … )

Regarding Marriage and Children


A marriage consists of, and shall consist of, a corporation between a man and a woman; for the purpose of reciprocal friendship, affection, sex, care; economic discounts from a shared household; the production of generations of offspring; and insurance against the vicissitudes of nature;

The polity insures, and shall insure, these marriages by priority in commons, and insurance from non-interference, in exchange for prevention of the moral hazards of single parenthood, orphans, and generations with various fears and traumas, and who may be untrained in the disciplines, habits, norms, laws, traditions of the polity – all of which impose involuntary and indirect costs upon others.

The corporation of marriage consists of, and shall consist of, a durable, reciprocal, power of attorney to act in one another’s stead, and to deprive other familial relations from exercise of their natural durable powers of attorney in the absence of that power under marriage, or of assignment to others in the absence of marriage, in all matters other than that of one’s Will upon one’s loss of reason by Life-Support or Death.


  1. The corporation shall exist upon verbal acceptance of a written record of consent, and the exchange of rings. An agreement on the conduct of the marriage and the use of assets, and the distribution of the assets shall be created and added to the marriage documents before, during, or after the verbal agreement. And the state shall enforce this agreement.
  2. The corporation shall cease to exist upon the termination of that reciprocal power of attorney we call Marriage, as does any other corporation without interference from the state, except in those subjects of dispute.
  3. The children shall remain the property of the mother until age of consent, unless she voluntarily chooses otherwise of her own free will, and the father accepts.
  4. The male children may choose to transfer possession to the mother or father at or after the age of twelve – although such transfer may be rejected by the receiving parent.
  5. All other interests shall be transferred to the owning party, as  is the case with all property, according to his or her monetary or physical expenditure to obtain them.
  6. Interference in the marriage of others that results in its termination shall create a liability for damages incurred.


1 – End all Child Support and Alimony as destructive to family and destructive.

2 – End all community property in marriage, and restore inviolability of prenuptial agreements.

3 – Restore Fault in divorce, and Restore liability for interference in marriages.

4 – Provide government paid parental leave at 70% of income over 20% of median income, for up to six months. and 50% for one year. But, no guarantee of same or similar position on return.

5 – Provide tax discount for each dependent child through the age of sixteen.

6 – Provide vouchers for ten hours of child care per work day for the number of hours worked.


  1. The people shall be prohibited from miscegenation, and all reproduction outside of the kin group.
  2. Any offspring from such miscegenation shall not be granted visa or visitation, nor inherit residency or any other rights.

Regarding Religion

( … )


The purpose of Religion;



I am a christian if I have adopted the teaching of christianity: 1) the eradication of hatred from the human heart. 2) the extension of kinship love to non-kin. 3) the extension of exhaustive forgiveness before punishment, enserfment, enslavement, death, or war.  This is all that is required of me to be a Christian.

I am a pagan if 1) I accept the laws of nature as binding on all of existence; and 2) if I treat nature as sacred and to be contemplated, protected and improved; and 3) I treat the world as something to transform closer to Garden in whatever ways I can before I die; and 4) if I deny the existence of a supreme being with dominion over the physical laws, and treat all gods, demigods, heroes, saints, figures of history, and ancestors as characters with whom I may speak to in private contemplation in the hope of gaining wisdom from having done so. And 5) if I participate with others of my society in repetition of oaths, repetition of myths, repetition of festivals, repetition of holidays, and the perpetuation of all of the above to my offspring. And 6) if I leave open that synchronicity appears to exist now and then, and that it may be possible that there is a scientific explanation for it, other than just humans subject to similar stimuli producing similar intuitions and therefore similar ends. This is all that is required of me to be a Pagan.

I am an Aryan if 1) I proudly display my excellences so that others seek to achieve or exceed them; 2) I seek competition to constantly test and improve myself so I do not weaken; 3) I swear to speak no insult and demand it; 4) I speak the truth and demand it; 5) I take nothing not paid for and demand it; 6) I grant sovereignty to my kin and demand it; 7) I insure my people regardless of condition, and demand it; and in doing so leave nothing but voluntary markets of cooperation between sovereign men; and to discipline, enserf, enslave, ostracize or kill those who do otherwise; 8) to not show fear or cowardice, abandon my brothers, or retreat, and 9) to die a good death in the service of my kin, my clan, my tribe and my people. As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be an Aryan.

I am a warrior in that 1) we will prepare for war so perfectly that none dare enter it against us. 2) Once we go to war, we do so with *joy*, with eagerness, and with passion, and without mercy, without constraint, and without remorse; And 3) before ending war, we shall defeat an enemy completely such that no other dares a condition of our enemy, and the memory of the slaughter lives a hundred generations. As far as I know, this is all that is required of me to be a Warrior.

As far as I know, if I succeed as a Pagan, as a Christian, as an Aryan, as a Warrior, then I have transcended the animal man, and earned my place among the saints, heroes, demigods, gods, in the memories, histories, and legends of man.

And that is the objective of heroes. We leave the rest for ordinary men.



No fundamental right can exist if it violates natural law.

Religion must be compatible with Natural Law or it is not religion but politics in religious dress, or warfare in disguise, but not religion.

If a religion is incompatible with Natural Law, then it is the merger of politics and religion – yet defense of the separation of church and state is the reason for our tolerance of religions.

So it is a logical contradiction to state that religions that are incompatible with natural law can be claimed a natural right – that is to say there are not natural rights.

So I have come to disagree with freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Instead: Require Truthful Speech and Truthful Religion: Compatibility with Natural Law.

Religion remains truthful despite the use myth, parable, allegory, scripture and ritual, as long as it conveys truthful principles by those analogies: compatibility with natural law.

Christianity is compatible with Natural Law. Poly-moralism and Dualist ethics are not compatible with natural law.

Christianity advises us how to act in concert with natural law. Islam, Judaism, and a handful of others recommend actions an expressly counter to natural law. And they state that they contain laws – the Talmud and the

Christians have been tolerant of heresies and competing religions in order to prevent the mandate of a state religion, and therefore to protect natural law, and the independence of religious wisdom based upon natural law from harm by the folly of men.

Neither Christianity nor Natural Law prohibit us from the expurgation of immoral religions that violate natural law.

Nor are we prohibited from philosophies that violate natural law: had we defeated marxism-leninism earlier then we would have saved a hundred million souls from suffering.

The limit of religious tolerance is Natural Law.

Everything else is just another act of war wearing a mask of religion to deceive us by preying upon our altruism.

We are the people who invented truth. We rescued mankind from ignorance, mysticism, disease, and poverty using our technology of truth: science and natural law.

We are the only people to have done it. They others hate it. We must not perish from this earth.





Regarding Education


1 – Provide vouchers for education through grade twelve.

2. Private tutors in the home shall be preferred for those able to do so.

3. Teachers shall form schools at their discretion, shall accept students they choose (or not), and shall operate the schools entirely by themselves, without any administrative staff, other than security and maintenance.

4. After the age of seven, boys shall be taught by men, and girls taught by women.

5. Teachers shall come from second-career occupations so that they have real world experience, and children older than those they are teaching.  The only other qualification teachers require is the production and use of lesson planning.

6. Restore class levels by ability regardless of age, and overlap grade levels in the same room wherever possible.

7. Restore proportional corporal punishment.

8. Restore school uniforms to neutralize class differences in dress, and add laundry service for uniforms and exercise clothes, returning such to each classroom daily.

9. To the Curriculum:

(a) Add Economics, Accounting, and basic and property Law to the Curriculum,

(b) Restore geography, economic, technological, and scientific history in place of political and military history.

(c) Remove ‘socialist studies’, ‘literature’, ‘politics’ and other disciplines of political indoctrination.

(d) Restore logic, debate, rhetoric (public speaking) – and require demonstrated ability in this for all teachers above sixth grade. (this will cull the field rapidly).

(e) Add etiquette, manners, ethics, morals under reciprocity, and require their adherence at all times.

(f) Restore two periods of physical activity per day – one brief in the morning for exercises, one in the afternoon for team sports.

10. Increase the size of cafeterias so the entire class can lunch at without hunger pangs, or deliver lunches to classrooms and pick them up afterward.

11. Cut the school day at age 14 to half day and begin apprenticeship and work programs, seeking to find afternoon work for all students in the school.

12. At the age of 14, delay start of school to give teen bodies the morning sleep they require because of their rapid growth while maturing.

13. Those students with disabilities such that they cannot adhere to behavior, etiquette, manners, ethics, and morals, or who disturb the harmony of the classroom by imposing costs upon the students and teachers attention shall be taught separately.

(Counsel: the experiment with commingling the able and unable has failed and shall be dismantled permanently.)

Regarding College and University

1 – A Vocational College shall consist of those fields that teach the Trades that transform the physical world through the use of tools.

2 – A Junior College shall consists of those offering vocational training outside of the STEM+L Fields, but in the clerical and support fields, and shall complete all courses in two or three years.

3 – A College shall consist of specialization in at least one of the STEM+L disciplines, and shall complete all courses in thee or four years, and may or may not offer masters and phd programs. And all professors must be full time.

4 – To hold the title University the organization must grant two, four, masters, and phd degrees in more than one college. Exit for masters and phd shall depend upon the german academic method.  And all professors must be full time.

5 – The Professors shall operate both the college and the university, and charge rates by professor and college as they see fit, with revenues to the colleges and professors as they see fit. (starve the bloated bureaucracy). The Treasury shall fund loans to the colleges for the production of Monumental Facilities from which to conduct their profession.

6 – All state financing of research shall be limited to the STEM+L fields.

7 – The state shall obtain a non voting interest exclusive of sale (transfer), in any an all research that results from state funding, and be given equal standing to the best standing of any dividend or sale.

9 – The state shall at all times seek to invest in private production of public goods, services and information that are revolutionary (additional) not just evolutionary (competitive), as a means of increasing the returns to the citizenry.


1 – Provide tax free loans to universities to loan to students, with the stipulation that those loans will be paid by payroll deductions for no more than ten years, with universities absorbing all losses.  (end incentive for churning)

2 – Limit university loans to the fields whose calculations are warrantable: Physical Science, Technology/Engineering, Economics/Finance,   Mathematics, and Law (STEM+L), with zero tolerance for inflation of the definitions of those disciplines.

3 – Prohibit use of undergraduate income to finance graduate and phd programs. Permit use of sports income to finance graduate and phd incomes.


1 – On Traitors

(Soros, SPLC, etc),

(Immigrant Cities)

1 –  On Marxists, Pseudoscientists, Postmodernists and the Academy, State ,Media, Entertainment Complex.



2 – On The Church



2 – On The Jews;



3 -On The Muslims;



(More to come)

[1] Race Differences in Personality: An Evaluation of Moderators and Publication Bias. Brian W. Tate, Pennsylvania State University,  Michael A. McDaniel

Virginia Commonwealth University.


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