Overview of Propertarianism

An Overview of the Propertarian Program of Natural Law

[A] little context will help: Propertarian Natural Law is analogous in method, intent, and scope to the work of Aristotle and Epicurus in the ancient world, or Locke, Smith, Hume, and the Founders in the Modern world. And to some degree, by the same analogy, P-Law completes the Aristotelian program in logical and scientific terms. In that sense, it is not something you will pick up easily or quickly. If you were to study programming, physics, economics, and law, in upper-level university courses (or graduate courses) it’s about the same amount of work as those degrees. The big leaps are 1) the computational revolution, which is far more significant an innovation in logic than is obvious today, and is at least as important as Descarte’s restoration of mathematics to geometry, Newton and Leibnitz’s calculus. Because computation restores logic, math, science, economics, and law, to ‘operations'(meaning realism, naturalism, and actions) rather than ideals (meaning words and the logic of sets). This operationalism completes the reunification of european thought that was interrupted by the Abrahamic dark ages. And 2) via-negativa: adversarial falsification, and therefore survival instead of justification and proof. 3) and the difficulty in learning to speak in complete sentences in operational prose, because doing so prohibits pretense of knowledge. That counter-intuitive combination is difficult while the rest of the concepts are more intuitive.

The System of Thought

[P]ropertarianism as a System of Thought consists of the following features:


1. An Explanation:

i) The Uniqueness of Western Civilization: “The Group Strategy (Philosophy) of Western Civilization in Scientific Terms: Excellence and Heroism, Sovereignty and Reciprocity, Truth and Duty, The Jury and Markets in Everything.”

ii) The Failure of the Enlightenment: “The Crisis of the 20th and 21st Centuries as a failure to apply that strategy and adapt to counter the industrialization of pseudoscience, sophism, denial, and deceit;

iii) The Second Conquest of the West: The Crisis of the 20th and 21st century as a repetition of the revolt against western civilization, truth, reason, and law, under Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and the dark ages of ignorance and destruction that resulted from them.”

2. A System of Measurement, Logic, Vocabulary, and Grammar:

i) System Of Measurement:  ( … ) “A system of measurement  that provides universal commensurability in thought, display, word, and deed.”

ii) Vocabulary: “A set of fully commensurable cross-disciplinary definitions in operational language.

iii) Grammars:  “A reduction of language to the equivalent of a periodic table of the elements, and the underlying geometry of thought.”

iiii) Logic: “An Operational Logic using Operational Grammar for using these definitions.”

v) Value Neutral Language: “A Value Neutral Language of metaphysics, epistemology, psychology, sociology, ethics, politics, and group evolutionary strategy, suitable for the construction of law, delivery of testimony, and adjudication of differences in court.”

3. A Methodology:

i) Epistemology: “The Completion of the Scientific Method and its application to the full scope of human knowledge, resulting in a universal, formal, epistemological method sufficient for adjudication of differences in court.”

ii) Ethics, Law, Politics: “The strict, algorithmic, construction of the natural, common law, of reciprocity (tort);”

4. A Body of Law:

ii) Law: “A body of law answering the cannon of questions – providing a common law of equally sovereign men, alternative to Roman, Napoleonic, and Continental law of unequally sovereign men”

iii) Constitution: A Constitution of that law, completing the Aristotelian, Roman, British, and American Constitutional Project.”

iiii) Policies: “A set of policies under that constitution, solving the otherwise unsolvable problems of the current age.”

5. A Reformation: 

i) Reformation: “A reformation and unification of all fields”

– Language, Logic, and Mathematics
– Psychology, Sociology, and Group Strategy
– Money, Credit-Finance, and Economics
– Ethics, Law, and Politics
– Mindfulness-Religion, Education-Academy, and Government-Rule

6. A Solution

i) A Solution: “A solution to the political problem of our age.”

ii) A Declaration: “A Declaration demanding the implementation of this constitution, as reformations of, by amendments to, the existing American constitution, restoring the historical European, Germanic, English, British, and American rights of equally sovereign men, and a means of successful insurrection to force its adoption if force is required – which it will be.”

We Summarize These Ideas in the Paragraph:

What is Propertarianism?

“Propertarianism consists of the completion of the Scientific Method; its application to the totality of human knowledge; a universally commensurable, value neutral, vocabulary and logic of the social sciences; its embodiment in the common law of tort; a Constitution of strictly constructed Natural Law, and as a consequence the eradication of superstition, pseudoscience, sophism, fraud, and deceit from the commercial, financial, economic, political, and informational commons.”

[T]he western canon was never reduced to scientific form – and instead was spread across a vast multi-disciplinary literature. Here we explain the uniqueness of western civilization, and the european peoples, and provide the western canon in scientific form, in the wisdom literature of our people: the common law, as The Natural Law, Our Sciences, Technology, Histories, and Mythos as European People,

What is Propertarianism Not?

[I]t is not an ideology, a philosophy, a theology. If you want a religion, a political ideology, a personal or political philosophy, you will not find it here. They are but literature for discovery of opportunity. This is logic, science, and engineering using the principle tool of social engineering: the law. ideology suggests, philosophy advises, theology demands, but logic, science, and action decide.

But because it is a logic(consistency), science(correspondence), and methodology(operational possibility) of law, and a logic, science, and methodology of testimony, it applies to, and tests all display, word, and deed – regardless of discipline or context.

Propertarianism is a generational leap in the production of constitutions under the common law of equals. It is a purely via-negativa methodology for using the court and the law, under threat perjury, for the incremental suppression of innovations in criminal, corrupt, unethical, and immoral words, displays, and deeds – and in particular 19th-21st century innovations in  mathematical innumeracy, pseudoscience, fundamentalism, sophism, denialism, propaganda and deceit invented to undermine the rule of law, our system of government, our civilization, and the western tradition of family, commons, polity, individual sovereignty and responsibility.

Use as a Philosophy?

[I] wrote Propertarianism as a logic, science, and methodology of law and testimony to complete the empirical (aristotelian-roman-anglo) revolution, and create a value-neutral language of social science, ethics, politics, and law.

I used the Aristotelian categories from the discipline of philosophy partly to compete with the traditional discipline, complete the demarcation between truth (science), philosophy (choice), and the sophism and pseudoscience – particularly in metaphysics – that occupies the vast majority of what passes for philosophical prose.

So, Propertarianism can be used as a philosophy only in the sense that science(truth, decidability) can be used as a philosophy(preference, choice) – because what separates a science (truth) from a philosophy (choice) is decidability(science) versus preference(philosophy).

Propertarianism can be used as a philosophy for those who desire transcendence (prosperity, persistence, evolution) by achievement (Darwinian, evolutionary), principally because they are already some degree of competitive (comparative advantage), successful (domesticated, evolved), transcendent (evolutionary).

Conversely, it can be used defensively against those who fear being left behind in the evolutionary progress of self, polity, and mankind.

Use as a Group Evolutionary Strategy?

The group strategy of “Excellence and Heroism, Sovereignty and Reciprocity, Truth before Face and Duty before Self or Family, The Jury and Markets in Every Aspect of Life” have, for thousands of years, even throughout the Abrahamic Dark Ages of superstition and deceit, served as the group evolutionary strategy of the european peoples and is the founding Law, Custom, Tradition, and Philosophy of Western Civilization.

That strategy is responsible for the success of the indo european expansion, the success of the greco roman ancient world, and the success of the northern european world’s dragging of mankind, kicking and screaming out of ignorance, superstition, hard labor, poverty, starvation, suffering, disease, child mortality, early death, and the vicissitudes of a universe all but hostile to human life – while all other civilizations failed, regressed, stagnated and calcified, or progressed slowly if at all.

The reason is quite simple: it is the optimum method of calculating and adapting to change, while providing incentive to innovate and change as a continuous contribution to the commons, and the outsized returns that commons provide for self, family, polity, nation, civilization, and race.

Western civilization alone solved the hard problem of the transcendence of man by continuously defeating the dark forces of time, ignorance, and human laziness.

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At A Little More Depth

1) An Explanation of Western Evolutionary Excellence:

[T]he reason for the disproportionate contribution and success of the west in the ancient and modern worlds. And The history of the cycles of conflict between western(european) and eastern(asian) masculine civilizations against and central(semitic) feminine civilizations.

Adaptive Velocity

[T]he secret to western civilization, besides being a small, relatively poor population on the edge of the bronze age, is that by the choice of voluntary militia, military tactics of maneuver requiring contractualism, and heroic sovereignty (ownership of gains), we necessitated natural law, and markets in everything. And as a consequence the west was not first, but in every era we were fastest. In other words, truth, promise(contract), natural law, and jury allow us to adapt faster than every other known method of human cooperation.

2) A Methodology: The completion of the Scientific Method. 

[T]he completion of the scientific method is the core achievement of the work.

Completing the scientific method permits restatements of metaphysics, psychology, sociology, epistemology, ethics, politics, and group evolutionary strategy (the cooperation, competition, and conflict of civilizations), into a single commensurable discipline unifies all human knowledge – and oddly puts the law at the top of the knowledge hierarchy.

In retrospect, completion of the scientific method explains the reason for the rise of social pseudoscience from Marx, Boas, Freud, Cantor, Mises, Mainstream Economics, The Frankfurt School. It explains the recent Success in circumventing the Constitution; the libertarianism of Rothbard/Rand, and the Neoconservatism of Strauss. It explains the Postmodernists and the rise of postmodernism in the academy. And the Feminists, and the feminization of markets, the workplace, norms, educations, and institutions, and the infantilization of the population as a consequence.

3) A Value Neutral Language and Logic of Psychology, Sociology, Ethics, Politics, and Group Evolutionary Strategy.

[A] value neutral language and logic of psychology, sociology, ethics, politics, and group evolutionary strategy, in other words a value neutral language of the individual and social sciences.

4)  An Operational Logic of the Natural Law of Human Cooperation 

[H]owever we focus our application of the completed scientific method on Economics, Ethics, Law Politics, and Group Evolutionary Strategy, and we use demonstrated property in its totality as a unit of measure – in not only economic, but ethical, moral, legal, and political commensurability. So the word ‘propertarianism’ refers to the use of demonstrated interests, and the defense of those interests, as a unit of measure providing commensurability, and the test of reciprocity as truth or falsehood, good or bad, ethical or unethical, moral or immoral, and legal or illegal. And in fact, this is how all law is constructed today in one way or another, and to one degree or another.

So, the correct name for the work we call ‘propertarianism’ would be The Natural Law.

We just can’t use it because the term has been so loaded throughout history, on the one hand, and because it’s not an identifiable ‘brand’ on the other.

So the simple version is:

Laws of Nature = The Physical Sciences.
Natural Law = The Social Sciences.

Sorry, but it’s a paradigm shift that we just have to pay the cost of learning.

[T]he Use of the Natural Law to Produce Strictly Constructed, Operationally Stated, Algorithmic, Natural Law Constitutions, and therefore Societies, Nations, and Civilizations, in Accordance with Natural Law.

The principle achievement  of this law is to extend the warranty of due diligence from market goods and services, to all information placed into the commons: the market for information.

The result is a conversion of ‘free speech’ to ‘free truthful and reciprocal speech’, just as we have limited free commercial speech to free truthful commercial speech, and enforced an involuntary warranty of due diligence, and legal standing (the right to sue) those who violate that law.

6)  A Political Order for Post Industrial Man:

[G]iven that we are now in the post subsistence-agrarian era, we are wealthy enough to express our genetic differences, and as such are entering into political conflict between the ancient female herd reproductive strategy and civilizations, and the male pack reproductive strategy and civilizations.

It appears we can no longer compromise, and neither interest can be pursued without some sort of oppression or genocide. So we can no longer assume we will create a one-world-government and a uniformity among peoples, but instead, we must separate, prosper, and speciate according to our genetic interests, and our differences in moral intuition because of those interests.

As such the constitutions we recommend, are those that facilitate ‘letting a thousand nations bloom’ and returning to the speciation that we were in the process of achieving prior to both the anglo conquest of the world by sea, and the gradual transformation of our means of production from hunter-gathering and speciation, to agrarianism and unification.

The future is very different from that under which the majority of our history was written down.

7) A Constitution for The Future:

[T]he completion of the Jeffersonian Experiment with A new constitution of internally consistent, externally correspondent,  fully reciprocal, sufficiently complete, strictly constructed law that can be defended from corruption by Pilpul and Critique (Legal Sophism and Pseudoscience).

Political Activists, particularly centrists,  conservatives and libertarians will understand the law even if they cannot understand the technical aspects of the science and logic.

8) The Method Applied: Policies of Reform: 

[A] set of policies written in that law that end Corporatism, Politicization, Propagandism, Lying in the Commons, Financialization, Parasitism, Procedural Genocide, and the war of the immoral top and envious bottom against the productive and moral middle.

The general audience will be most interested in these policies, if the constitution, the science, and the logic are overwhelming.

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